The Follow The Winds Project introduces to the public ‐ especially aimed at kids and youth ‐ the amazing value of the windsurfing lifestyle. Top Formula Windsurfing riders such as: Arnon Dagan from Israel, Dennis Littel from the Netherlands, Jesper Vesterstrøm from Denmark, Ross Williams from Great Britain, Steve Allen from Australia and Wojtek Brzozowski from Poland will go into the World Media to talk about the educational and inpiring side of their lives. Through media activity and the website this project shows the value of sport, intercultural learning and understanding as well as the cool and colorful lifestyles of the riders; lifestyles full of funny stories, beaches, sun, water, wind, traveling and meeting new and amazing people.

”This is an exciting project about the passion within sport and the benefits it brings to people’s lives”.

Ceri Williams Formula Windsurfing Chairman & International Windsurfing Association Director – As an official start of activity of the Formula Windsurfing Class in the youth and kids’ arena.

The website is going to follow the activities of six top professional riders by documenting their travels and lifestyles as wel as video interviews to further explain their lifestyle choices, with articles written in a simplistic and easy format to show both youth and young children new and interesting places around he world. A sport such as windsurfing can teach them about the meaning of international friendships, tolerance to other cultures, positive thinking and enthusiasm as well as about courage, hard work and the determination to chase their dreams. The riders are definite individuals with strong personalities which can make their lifestyles a positive ideal to be followed. Through the next International Events, Formula Windsurfing is going to encourage youth and kids to look more closely at this sport and learn from this untypical and ositive type of living.

The project is going to have an international scope. Firstly it will be taken to Great Britain, Denmark, the Netherlands and Poland with the hope to be taken further into other countries around the world where Formula Windsurfing tkes place. The website will be launched in the English language but will be translated into more European languages very shortly.

The authors of the project are Kasia Mortoń (Kate) and Sean O’Brien ‐ a professional windsurfer from Australia ‐ with the help and endorsement of the International Formula Windsurfing Class Association. The Follow The Winds Team is kindly inviting all Media and people with energy and ideas to cooperate with this project.