19:13 | End for today, please return for the results and photos.

As we have some protests, the results after protests hearings will be posted probably tomorrow..

19:05 | Men race #9: finish: ARG-3, POL11, POL-16, BRA-74, FRA-421, GBR-83

18:58 | Downwind mark: POL-10 (BFD), ARG-3, POL-11

!8:50 | Men race #9 start. BFD: POL-10, POR-5…

18:35 | Second down wind.. Allison is leading and then a huge gap…UKR-9, ARM-1

18:25 | Allison first at the downwind mark..

18:15 | Women fleet – clear start! Wind 18-20 knots, gusts 23-26 knots..

18:10 | 5 minutes to the start of last women race today… Wojtek (POL-10) won the 8th men race…

18:00 | Men near the finosh line: POL-16,POL-10, ARG-3, GBR-83

17:47 | Men downwind mark: POL-10, POL-16, ARG-3..

17:41 | Wind speed 18-20 knots..

17:40 | Start of the men race #8. Some BFD…

17:20 | Women – second downwind mark: AUS-111, POL-111 … big gap and UKR-9

17:11 | Wind now is 17-20 knots

17:10 | Women – Downwind mark: AUS-911, POL-111, UKR-9,

17:03 | Women start – clear… we will have some protests in the men race #7…

16:56 | 5 minutes for the women race# 7 start..

16:39 | Second Downwind mark: POL-10, FRA-421, ARG-3…

16:35 | We have no info from the water so check the results after 6 races..

16:20 | Clear start – men fleet race #7

16:05 | Women finish: POL-111,UKR-9, AUS-991

16:59 | Second downwind mark: POL-111, UKR-9, AUS-911

16:50 | Women first downwind mark: UKR-9, POL-111, POL-19 (wind speed 12-13 knots)

16:40 | Women start clear… wind speed 8-12 knots..

16:35 | 5 minutes to women fleet start..

15:19 | Second downwind mark: GBR-83, POL-10, DEN-111

15:07 | Men first upwin mark: ARG-3, GBR-83, ???, POL-10

14:57 | Men race start

14:52 | MEN race #6 start in 5 minutes…

14:46 | Downwind mark:AUS-911, POL-111, UKR-9

15:46 | AUS-911 passed downwind mark and is on her way to finish…

14:45 | Men were sent on the water 10 minutes ago.. for the next race.

14:43 | Second upwind: AUS-911, POL-111, EST-34..

15:35 | Down wind mark: AUS-911, POL-11, ITA-31

we have now gusts till 28 knots!

14:25 | Women fleet start clear… no OCS…

14:10 | Women fleet will start in about 10 min. Widn is shifty and gusty… speed about 22 knots…

13:55 | Windnd speed is more then 20 knots… we expected good racing today..

13:34 | Wind is picking up! At the moment we have 10 knots! Race crew are on the water… stay tunned

09:42 | welcome to portimao. A light breeze this morning , but the expectation is stonger winds , building througout the day. The AGM was held last night , a report will follow later today.

The skippers meeting is in 15 mins ,after which the sailors will elect their representatives to sit on the new committee.