B>17:54 | after 4 races – the leading sailors in mens fleet are NED13,ARG3,DEN111,GBR83,AUS0

17:31 | race 4 yellow fleet- NED13, ARG3,POL11,POL16,BRA999

no more racing today.

come back soon for provisional results ; we may have some protests before we can split the fleet for day 3 racing .

17:28 | blue fleet race 4 – AUS0, GBR83, ISR1,DEN111,DEN288,POL10,

last yellow fleet race has started

16:50 |

16:50 | one more race today for all fleets

16:28 | race 3 yellow- ARG3,NED13, BRA999, ITA456

16:25 | we had a break between back to back races .

Race 3 women -POL111

Race 3 blue – DEN111, GBR83, ISR1, AUS0; POL25

Yellow fleet starting race 3.Wind is good -steady 12 to 14 knots

14:58 | race 2 blue fleet – DEN111,GBR83, POL10,POL25,AUS0

The women are getting ready for race 3

14:56 | We have 2 race finishers in women – POL111, POL19, POL6.

Race 2 yellow fleet- ARG3,NED13,POL11

blue fleet will start soon

14:53 | apologies for the late start . We have started racing 8/9 knots which incresed to 10 .

Race 1 women : POL6 ,POL111,EST184.

Race 1 yellow : NED13, ARG3, FRA531, POL11,BRA999

Race 1 blue : AUS0,GBR83,DEN111, POL25, ISR1