B>18:31 | Tonight we have opening ceremony – cocktails and meet the sponsors- PKO JWESTYCJE (Investment), Neptune Park Developments , and the town of Sopot.

18:29 | After protest and redress for collision to ARG 3- leading sailors after 4 races: AUS0, ARG3, DEN111, POL25, BRA999(first lightweight), GBR83 (on tie break from) POL16 & POL10, ITA456, LAT23.

First woman AUS911 from POL111.

17:14 | no more racing today-

17:09 | at the finish DEN111, AUS0, POL 16, POL25, BRA999, ARG3, LAT23, GBR83, ITA456, POL11…

18 minute race for the winner, the wind dropped down during the race !

16:55 | at mark 3 – it is difficult to see the sails -NP sailor in first , AUS0 second- we have to wait for the finish

16:50 | clear start- wind is 12 knots and NE

16:24 | Race 4 will start in 2 minutes

16:22 | a 16 minute race for the winner; the back to back flag is flying on the finish boat. The wind was 14 knots from NE -so steady racing conditions today

16:13 | at the finish -ARG3, AUS0, DEN111, POL25, POL11,

GBR83, BRA999, ….

16:05 | at mark 3-ARG 3, DEN111, POL25, AUS 0, ? , GBR83, BRA999…

15:52 | Race 3 – clear start. good wind-excellent racing conditions

15:41 | After 2 races DEN111 is leading from AUS0, BRA999, GBR83 and POL25.

In the womens division it is AUS911 ahead of POL111 and POL6.

15:17 | lunch break is over ;AP is down -2 more races this afternoon

14:43 | we are on lunch break – some equipment changes due to collisions.,

In the womens division Allison Shreeve, AUS 911 won race 1; in race 2 Marta Hlavaty, POL111, was the winner.

Allison is racing on the FW One Design.

14:42 | at the finish – GBR83, POL25, DEN111, POL10, BRA999, ITA456, POL16 , AUS0, LAT 27 , ARG 3…

14:38 | OCS were – BRA 5, SVK 1, CZE 7.

After race 2 a rest on the beach -then 2 more races.

14:32 | at mark 3 -GBR83, POL25, POL10, DEN111, ITA456

Gonzao had collision at the start..!

14:26 | Race 2 started-there are some OCS.. i will confirm soon .Wind is 14 knots from NE.

13:58 | Race 2 underway in 4 minutes…wind is stable, good racing conditions.

13:48 | at the finish – AUS0, ARG3, DEN111, BRA999, POL16, POL10, ITA456, POL25, GBR83…

16 minute race for Steve Allen.

13:45 | after 1 round – AUS0, with good lead, followed by ARG3, DEN111, POL10..

13:44 | correction second was ARG3, followed by DEN111, then POL16

13:41 | at the first windward – AUS0, POL16, BRA999, POL10

13:37 | It was not warning signal -but 4 mins to start!

Clean start race 1 -wind is 12 knots from NE.

12:28 | sorry for delay – i hope we have no more internet problems. 4 mins to the warning signal race 1

12:23 | Despite a good forecast the wind dropped to 6 knots just after the sailors were sent out to race !

However we expect the wind to build by the middle of the afternoon.

Over 60 competitors are registered for this Grand Prix. Sailors are from 16 countries, repesenting 4 continents.

07:34 | Hello from Sopot. We expect good racing conditions, up to 17kts wind from north-east is forecasted.