19:15 | After 9 races- 1st Arg 3 ..8pts; 2nd AUS0…16pts; 3rd DEN111 ..24pts; 4th POL16 ..26pts; 5th BRA999 ..31pts.
19:06 | OK that is it for the day -we have an official dinner tonight ; and a great forecast for the last day !
19:04 | at the finish -ARG3 overtook POLl0 onthe last reach;AUS0, POL11, BRA74
18:57 | at second upwind POL10 leads from ARG3
18:54 | after 1 lap- ARG 3, POL10, POL11, AUS0,POL25
18:47 | clear start
18:35 | one more race to finish the day – 10mins to warning signal .. alsoimissedalberto -ITA456 after DEN111
18:29 | great racing .. perfect conditions…sun , wind and close competition!
and i have corrected the timing again
14:26 | It is a sprint for the finish .. AUS0 just headofARG3…followed by POL10, DEN111, BRA999, POL16..
14:23 | on the upwind Gonz has really got the edge –
POL10is oving up thefleet ..
18:19 | Steve overtakes Gonz on the downwind ..
18:15 | first windward – ARG3, DEN111, AUS0, BRA999, ITA456
18:10 | clear start for race 8
18:05 | 5mins to the start of race 8-really nice wind for formula
17:52 | wind hasincreased to 12>14
17:40 | Ok – 2 more formula races to finish today. Wind has dropped back to 8>10 knots.
Races are about 16/17 minutes for the winner – then tonight a dinner at the beach , and party for those not too tired after racing!
16:20 | leading sailors after 7 races –
1st -ARG 3 …5pts
2nd-AUS0 ….12pts
3rd DEN111….12pts
4th POL16…..15pts
5th BRA999….20pts
16:50 | At the finish – ARG3, ITA456,BRA999, AUS0,
We have a break on the beach -if wind increases we go to slalom if not, 2more formua races
16:45 | the wind has increased – a faster lap!
after 2 laps: ARG3, ITA456,BRA99,AUS0..
16:38 | after 1 lap- ARG3,ITA456,BRA999,AUS0, POR5, POL10
16:35 | at the first windward -ARG3 ,ITA456..
16:30 | race 7 away -clear start-10>12 knots
16:02 | at the finish – DEN111, AUS0, ARG3, POL16, POR5….
jesper changed his fin – seemed to work!
15:53 | after1 lap -DEN111,AUS0,ARG3,POL16,ITA456…POL25 OCS
15:45 | start for race 6 -wind 8>10 knots-individual recall..
15:19 | at the finish – Steve wins his first race of the series: AUSo,POL16, ARG 3, DEN111, BRA999,ITA3,POL25
11:14 | after lap 2- AUS0, POL16, ARG3, DEN111..
15:05 | after 1 lap – AUS0,ARG3, POL16, POL25, BRA999, DEN111
14:50 | 5 minutes to the warning signal for race 5 -and first race today. Wind is 8>10 knots
12:52 | Correction -AP is not down .we are still waiting. e wind is fluctuating around the minimum for a start
12:50 | AP is down -not long now to the start of race 5
12:45 | welcome to day 4 of Sines Grand Prix. The wind is light this morning, but is forecast to improve .
The plan is for 3 back to back races-and then a break to re-evaluate the conditions.
The gallery of photos from Day 3 is on the event website
The film crew are also supplying a short daily video clip for SailTV which you will also find on the event website -via link on this event page