18:20 | We finished the day with 3 rounds of slalom -you will find a report on IFCA website soon .

14:03 | Top 5 after 4 races -ARG3, DEN111, POL16, AUS0, BRA999…

13:50 | sorry for the timing! – now back to CET. With 4 races we now have a discard. Results in a moment

A break for lunch -then we go into slalom

09:52 | at the finish -ARG3 -Gonz is really flying ! DEN111, BRA999, POL16,POL10, ITA456…

09:50 | AUS 0 has retired from the race – he looked tobe in 4th …but then broke a fin !

13:42 | after 1 lap-DEN111,ARG3, BRA999, POL10

13:35 | race 4 is underway-the wind is increasing

13:25 | after3 races the top5 are ;ARG 3; AUAS0, BRA999,


13:15 | sorry – correction -3rd was DEN111 !

09:12 | at the finish – ARG3; AUS0; POL16, BRA999,POR5

there is some collision between POL25 and ?-hubert could not finish the race!

13:06 | ater1 lap- ARG 3, DEN111;POL10,AUS0..

12:56 | Race 3 is away-great start by POL10..

12:35 | but at the finish it is ARG3,POL16,POL11… jesper fell and lost many places .. it is POL25 in 4th (not Steve) BRA999; AUS0

08:31 | after 2 laps we have -ARG3 ,POL11, POL16, DEN111; AUS0 …

12:24 | after one lap-ARG 3, POL11, POL16,AUS0..

12:20 | the fleet are away for race 2- clear start , good conditions for racing.

11:25 | good morning from Sines. A little overcast today -but a good wind forecast. We have had the skippers meeting, the wind is 11 to14 knots ,and should get stronger later in the day .

3 back to back races are planned for the first part of the day