14:02 | and so the 2007 championship comes ro an end .
We had good wind everyday and were able to keep exactly to the planned schedule for races.
A different couse everyday; 5 courses to test the all round ability of this formula fleet.
Races were held in winds ranging from 10 to 25 knots.
The average length of races for the winner was 15 mins .
Every finish just off the pier – which presented a perfect vantage point for spectators and media.
I am talking with the organisers about a future Grand Prix tour – for sure formula is growing here in South America with fleets in Brasil, Argentina, Chile and Columbia.
Congratulations to Antoine Albeau on his second formula world title- a very worthy champion .
14:00 | The sailors now have a celebratory lunch – with the prize giving at 4.00pm .
come back later for more reports ;photos; provisional results …..
13:59 | The positions changed in the slalom as the leading sailors headed to the wrong mark!
13:57 | then AUS 0; POL10; BRA3333; ISR1; ARG3; ;DEN111; BRA 2497 ; POL11
13:56 | At the finish the 2007 champion Antoine Albeau ;
13:52 | at mark 1for the last time in this championship- FRA192 ;POL10; AUS0; ISR1;
13:52 | at mark 1for the last time in this championship- FRA192 ;POL10; AUS0; ISR1;
13:49 | at mark 2 for the last time -FRA192; POL10; AUS 0; ISR 1; BRA3333
13:47 | at mark 1 for second time – FRA192 ( with50 sec lead over POL10; AUS 0; ISR1; BRA3333; POL25; ARG3
13:45 | It was BRA2497 not 74 !
13:42 | at mark 2 – FRA192 ; POL 10; POL25; AUS0;BRA3333; BRA74 ; FRA421; ARG3 ; ISR1
13:42 | followed by POL10; POL25; AUS0
13:40 | at mark 1- FRA192 ; with a big lead alreay
13:37 | FRA192;POL10;POL25 have good starts
13:32 | clean start
13:12 | 5 minutes to the start of race15
13:10 | a short break and then the final race of this championship
13:09 | FRA192 retired after the crash at mark i – FRA421 suffered broken equipment
13:05 | at the finsh -AUS0; BRA3333; ARG3;POL10; ISR1; POL11; POL16; FRA 99; BRA999;DEN173
13:01 | at mark 1 for the last time – AUS0;BRA3333; ARG3;POL10;ISR1
12:58 | at mark 2 – BRA333 -steve felll then AUS0; ARG3; ISR1; POL10;
12:55 | mark 1 for second time – AUS0; BRA3333;POL10;ARG3; POL11; ISR1
12:52 | at mark 2 – BRA3333;AUS0; ARG3 ;POL10; ISR1;POL11
12:50 | FRA192 crashed rounding mark 1- POL10 inlead and then BRA3333; AUS0;ARG3
12:47 | FRA192 and POL10 seemto be in thelead .
12:46 | individual recall
12:45 | We are ready for the start of Race 14 – wind is average 19 knots
10:00 | Bom dia do Brasil. Another beautiful day in Fortaleza. Wind is here so we will have last two races. Antoine and Steve have a solid position but we will see hard fight for 3rg place on podium today. Check out course diagram for today.