19:32 | Results for today are published -and some photos.

Schedule for tomorrow- 10.00 skippers meeting;first possible start 11.00.

Forecast is similar to today- but we hope a themal breeze will increase the prospect for more races.

18:34 | we are still waiting -the PRO will make a final decision soon

16:21 | the wind has dropped below the minimum for the start ; blue fleet competitorsare sent ashore.

We are on hold

16:00 | Women race 1 – POL19 ; ARM1–blue start Race 2 a general recall

15:34 | yellow finish Race1 – FRA 421; DEN111;ARG3–POL11 OCS-otherwise he would be second !

Race 2 for blue about to .

15:10 | yellow fleet started their first race .

Blue finish- AUS0; BRA999;GBR83;ITA456;FRA?; POR5

15:01 | first race is underway – at the first mark -AUS0;ITA456; BRA999

Yellow fleet and women are going out to the start

13:59 | AP is down -blue fleet will start first ; followed by yellow

13:58 | the wind is picking up; 7/8 knots in the starting area. Not stable enough yet ; but sailors are out on the water checking the conditions and their equipment.

12:27 | The stage is set to start racing. The decision was made to split the mens fleet; and the group list posted prior to the skippers meeting which took place as scheduled.

As is normal the decision to split the fleet was questioned ; but the focus soon shifted to the order of racing and the course format .

Cesar Sans, PRO from Spain, explained the course -something different from normal !

offering plenty of options to maximise the racing opportunities – but with a”pit stop” between races (back on the beach ) to refuel and to change equipment if necessary .

Basically the course is “windward / leeward” – leeward mark a gate ; but with the possibility of a beach finish straight from the windward mark.

Unfortunately the wind has not yet settled to allow the startof racing . Wind is around 3/4knots but in the right direction for a repeat of yeserdays excellent conditions.