18:48 | provisional result after 10 races, 2 discards: ARG 3, BRA 2497, BRA 3333, BRA 74, BRA 999, ITA 415
18:47 | tehn it got confused but I think they where followed by BRA 3333, BRA 999, BRA 74, and BRA 7171…
hope to have soon full results
18:46 | Just at the finish the wind dropped dramatically and Gonzale stopped planing 25 meters before the finish. He was overtaken by Marco Begalli, full planing
18:45 | Sorry for inconvenience but I had to change to a other CPU in a other place…
18:45 | oeps wireless went down
18:08 | Wilhelm and Paolo tacked early and choose the right side of the course
14:30 | Clean start of Race # 10
14:26 | I = 4 minute flag up
14:19 | average windspeed on teh course 12 knots, sometimes holes to 9…..
17:47 | local time 14h15: surfers are going to the startline
17:46 | So AP down for Race 10 last start of today. The plan for tomorrow is 3 ravces and on the last day 2.
16:59 | Lunchtime now in Fortaleza,
Next start in about 20 minutes, it will be 14h30 then. Don’t look at the time before these messages because the server clock in Poland is wrong and the provider can not repair it fast…
16:57 | followed by BRA 74m, BRA 7171 – 35 stitches..,, BRA 5, BRA 717
16:56 | followed by: ITA 415 – Marco Begalli, BRA 888 Wilhelm Shurmann, BRA 50 = Gabriel Browne
16:53 | Provisional Finish Race #9: BRA 2497 – Vitor Melio, BRA 3333, Paolo Dos Reis, ARG 3 Gonzalo Costa Hoevel
16:52 | Paolo and Gonzalo tack early
16:51 | Mark 2 lats time: BRA 3333, BRA 2497, ARG 3
16:50 | Downwind gate:BRA 3333, BRA 2497, ARG 3
16:49 | rest: ITA 415, BRA 999, BRA 50, BRA 717
16:46 | Mark 1: BRA 3333, ARG 3, BRA 2497 these 3 have 200 meters on the rest
16:44 | Gate upwind: ARG 3, BRA 3333, BRA 2497, ITA 415
16:43 | Mark @ Downwind: ARG 3, BRA 3333, BRA 2497, ITA 415
16:43 | 999, 717, 25
16:42 | Gate Downwing: ARG 3, BRA 3333, ITA 415, BRA 2497
16:41 | BRA 717, 2497,
16:40 | Mark 1: ARG 3, ITA 415, BRA 3333
16:39 | results overall after race 8:
16:34 | Cleant start, 4 surfer stryed pin-end buy they where below the pack. good start of ARG 3
16:34 | 5 minute flag up for tace #9
16:00 | There seems to be a problem with KJ’s internet connection. I send him the course but it is not online yet. Let’s hope it will be solved soon.
Anyhow it is a traditional windward leeward course with the start in the middle of the course. The competitors have to cross the gate/start everytime on the upwind and downwind. this gives a lot of tacking, gybing, tactics….
15:59 | followed by ARG 3, BRA 999, BRA 50 exiting race !!!
15:56 | Finish Race 8: BRA 3333, BRA 74, BRA 2497
15:55 | one more gate and up to the finish inthis very tactical race: light winds…a lot of gybes and tacks
15:54 | followed by 3333, BRA 999
15:54 | Mark 2 :74
15:53 | BRa 7171 with 35 stiches in his foor from yesterdays accident !!!!
15:52 | ITA 415, BRA 717
15:51 | followed by 2497, 50, 999, ARG 3
15:48 | Mark ! second time: BRA 74, BRA 3333
15:46 | Gate upwind: 3333, 2497, 47, 3, 999, 50
15:46 | oeps….. 2497, 74, 50, 3, 3333
15:44 | BRA 2497, Arg 3, BRA 333, BRA 74, BRA 50ark 2: 2497, 74, 50, 3, 3333
15:43 | Gate downwind: BRA 2497, ARG 3, BRA 3333, BRA 74, BRA 50
15:39 | Everybodu is on bigger sails so i have to guess a bit —
Mark 1:BRA 2497, Arg 3, BRA 333, BRA 74, BRA 50
15:35 | clean start
15:31 | 3 minutes to go
14:02 | wind is around 11-13 knots just now and the race crew is preparing for start #8
14:02 | Next week the holidays start here. 2 months no school for summer break. The hotels and beaches will be packed
13:55 | Guess what…the wind is blowing 15 knots and we have 1 meter waves…
The tradewinds here are so consistent you can not believe it. The local surforganisation Associacao Cearense de Windsurf (http://www.acw.org.br )organised this year 8 FW events on 8 weekends and they have mow 64 races on the national resultlist..everyday 4 races…… the same with the 4 slalom events.