Over 30 delegates and observers assembled for the 2006 AGM.
In total 21 votes were either present or received by email – ensuring that there was quorum for the meeting.
These votes were made up from : 3 committee votes, 7 email votes(from member national associations) and 11 delegates present.
Class Rule changes.
-> The proposal for a 2 year registration period for boards was APPROVED.
To clarify: boards registered(with ISAF) by 30th September 2007will be eligible to compete in international competition during 2008/2009. For the next period, 2010/2011, boards must be registered by 30th September 2009. The Chairman had also received letters of support for this proposal from Exocet,F2 and Starboard.
-> The proposals for a 75cm fin limit and minimum mast weight were NOT APPROVED.
However, it was agreed to hold a one year “trial period” to better evaluate these proposals; it was not agreed to automatically approve these changes for 2008.
Championship Rules.
-> The AGM APPROVED the proposals to include new formats within the championship rules – ie crosswind (or “slalom” type) and long distance races ; and authorised the committee to action workable solutions.
-> The proposal to lower minimum wind limits was NOT APPROVED.
Championship venues and titles.
-> It was APPROVED to continue co-operation with the Formula Experience Class – and combine an FE Junior World Championsip (title) with Formula Youth World Championship(title) at the Formula Festival, offering a clear structure for the development of formula racing.
-> Also APPROVED- to hold the 2007 Formula Womens World Championship during the Festival event;
-> it was NOT APPROVED to move the Formula Masters World Championship(title) to the senior Worlds , it remains a Festival event.
-> The AGM APPROVED the re-election of those committee members offering themselves for re-election: ie Ceri Williams(also Chairman), Markus Huhtinen (also Vice Chairman), Phil McGain, Ian Fox, Didier Flamme, Andrea Cucchi.
It was also recommended that Jin-Woo Park (KOR), Willhelm Schurmann (BRA) and Sarah Sherwood be co-opted to the committee.
Any other business.
-> Ranking scheme- the AGM supported the proposal to maintain the existing scheme.
-> 2012- the AGM supported a change of olympic equipment for 2012; and, furthermore, that the Formula Class promote a Trial during the next 12 months to ensure a workable and acceptable alternative exists by November 2007.
-> Girls/women in Formula- it was agreed that the committee actively seeks new measures to support and encourage womens participation in the formula events; and that the future also lies within the development of a strong youth division.