18:11 | sorry for the long wait – first finishers in last race :

NED 777;POL23;POL 243;FRA 75;POL 48.

Come back later for days summary and photos of the day

17:58 | last race for Juniors and FE has started , but the wind is dropping-hopefully the rac can finish , but itis already over for DEN 1101

17:51 | Masters finish Race3 – NED 1111; DEN 173 ;EST202;

17:45 | Finish Youth Race 3 – NED 8( in 17 mins); POL 18 ; BEL 7…

17:43 |

17:42 | mark rounding – BEL 7,NED 8 ;POL 239;POL18..

17:31 | 3rd races for Youth and masters underway .It will bethelastracefor today.

17:10 | Finish of 2nd raceJuniors /FE -POL 23; NED777; GBR 323; FRA 75 (first FE);FRA11;PER 111

17:01 | wind is 13 knots ; wind direction 20 degs. air temp 25 degs . perfect conditions

16:51 | start of secondrace for FWjunior andFE fleet

16:46 | Finish for Race 2 Masters – DEN 173; LAT 13; NED1111;POL40;ITA7;GBR 451

16:42 | masters have already started their 2nd race -Fe and fw juniors going out for their next start.

16:39 | First finisher in 18 minutes-POL18 ;followed by POL 739 ;POL 220; FRA 14;NED 8

16:38 | latest mark roundings- POL 18 ;POL n220; POL 739

16:33 | for full fleet results-provisional- go to here

16:32 | correction to the first race for Junior and FE :

first Formula Junior NED 777,followed by GBR323 ; FRA 75 first FE .

16:20 | Youths start -some OCS

16:16 | Youths are preparing for the start of their second race. The wind is holding-we have perfect conditions for racing

16:00 | at the finish : NED 777 first FE ;GBR323 first FW junior;FRA 11FE;FRA75 FE ; GBR 290 & POL 23 both FW junior -both OCS !

15:58 | at th first windward -NED 777;gbr323; FRA 11;den 110;FRA 75

15:55 | OCS- GBR 290; POL 23 ;FRA14;ESP18

15:47 | the juniors are away -but some OCS to follow

15:46 | oops! it was a general recall.

I will have to shoot the messenger

15:43 | good start for the Juniors and FE sailors.

15:36 | Somehow we missed Brian in the reporting .. but he was leading the race until he made a “big tactical mistake” -quoted Ron Ruiter

15:35 | Juniors and FE sailors waiting for the start

15:29 | At the finish -NED 1111;DEN 173; EST2;POL40;EST 202…the mark roundings have not been too accurate !! we will try to do better .

Ron finished in 17mins 50secs

15:24 | at the nex mark -Ron Ruitter is extending his lead over Erno Kasik (30 secs ) andthirdis EST 202 ; followed by LAT 13

15:17 | windward mark-NED 111,est 2 ;GBR 451

; LAT 13;ITA7

15:12 | Masters are away ..12 knots at the start ; 2 are over early

15:05 | 5 mins to the start of race 1 for Masters -this is the first”official” Masters World Championship in Belgium . Favourite must be Brian Rogild DEN 173

15:02 | 2nd place NED 8, 3rd BEL 7 …FRA 755,FRA 14,EST 9,BUL 8,FRA10,DEN33

15:00 | The leading sailors are now heading for the finish -the winner POL18 in19 mins 30 secs

14:59 | that is 18 competitors !

14:57 | Robert Baldyga has a clear lead from BEL 7 and GBR 555.

18 over early !!

14:49 | POL18 leading at the windward mark.

14:30 | 2 general recalls for theeager youths! The next start will be under a black flag. Although there is enough wind , there is also a lot of tide that is forcing sailors over early .

14:00 | General recall for the first start -formula youth World champioonships- too many eager young racers!

There will be 3 fleets and three starts- Formula Youth ; Formula Masters(and Open); & Formula Junior wih FE .

13:21 | 5 mins to the first start for the formula youths – a steady breeze 10>12 knots which is expected to build during the afternoon.