We are proud to tell that have 3 training camps that are open for all racers on RS:X and Formula in 2006. Open for all with a national startlicens – boys, girls, junior, youth, senior, master and grandmaster.

Assens the 13 to the 17th of April

Skive the 25th to the 29th of June

Kalundborg the 30th July to the 2nd. of Aug. (just before the Nordic Champ for formula, rs:x and freestyle)

The first camp has 35 entries by now, the best Danish boys and girls Formula and RS:X surfers are coming. The coaches are Frederik Palm (RS:X), Brian Røgild (formula) and Jacob Holst (formula and RS:X). Host club is Assens on www.fwk.dk

For more info and entry contact Jacob.holst@sejlsport.dk , www.dbo.dk, www.sejlsport.dk/surf


Jacob Holst

National Coach – windsurf