Allen and Shreeve remain in the lead on Day 2.
The sailors were at the beach ready for the 9.30 Skippers meeting. The only thing that wasn’t ready was the wind. The wind here in Gran Canaria can change without warning and especially here in the south where it can blow from almost any direction.
The health conscious sailors spent the time stretching and flexing while some sailors spent their time refueling at the many fast food restaurants that line the beach front here in Playa del Ingles.
The sailors were put on hold until the wind improved. Everybody was really keen to get out and race as the championship is still very open. Steve Allen (Fanatic/Neil Pryde) is winning at the moment but hot on his heals is Micah Buzianis (F2/North) and Antoine Albeau (AHD/Neil Pryde) who are hungry for the win. Steve is a tough competitor and he won’t be giving up without a fight.
In the Ladies Allison Shreeve (F2) from Australia is ahead of Lucy Horwood (Fanatic/North) in second and Karin Jaggi (F2/Arrows) in third. One thing is for sure and that is Dorota Staszewska (Starboard/North) will be shooting to knock ‘em down as she is currently sitting in fourth place and you can be sure she will be on a mission to make it on to the podium.
After a day of waiting the wind came up but not long enough to run any racing, so day 2 finished with no completed races.
It will be an interesting two days that’s for sure. The forecasts are for strong winds further north, which everybody is hoping will bring perfect Formula Racing conditions to us in the south. Stay tuned to the official PWA website for updates throughout the weekend as the racing reaches fever pitch here in Gran Canaria. For now though it is time to relax, sip back on a drink of Nestea and prepare for tomorrow.