Race 1
The wind was blowing from the north till quite late today. at around 1oclock it switched to south and came in quite strong very fast. so we headedfor the start line with about 15knots. so it was perfect for my 11.7. I had a good start on port down towards the boat. with Woijtek and Jesperbelow me and steve up above. Jesper tacked first to lead at the top markwith steve in second, with Woijtek and me behind. steve had great downwindspeed to pass jesper and i went deep and jibed early to try to pass woijtekbut i didnt make the mark and dropped to 6th and then was not going well onthe upwind dropping to 7th but i tacked way before anyone and just managedto make the windward mark back in 4th. then i had great downwind speed topass Ross.
Steve 1st
Wojtek 2nd
Devon 3rd
Ross 4th
Arnon 5th
Micah 6th
Race 2
Everyone went port tack and it was crazy. i was stuck ontop of arnon andjust pointing not going for speed. i tacked early and had to double tack thewindward rounding in 14th. up ahead Antoine jibed to go inside and i wentwith him. we got good wind down the middle and he caught Woijtek at theleeward mark with me rounding in 4th just behind Peter. Woijtek passedAntoine on the upwind to lead the rest of the race with the positionsholding.
Wojtek 1st
Antoine 2nd
Peter 3rd
Devon 4th
Steve 5th
Jesper 6th
Race 3
Gold fleet had a quick break while the Women and Silver raced back to backraces. i had a great clean port tack start near the boat with Gonzalo below me.Steve dropped below me and passed gonzalo with Woijtek sailing behind andbelow me. i rounded in 1st with steve and Woijtek following. on the secondupwind Woijtek just managed to sneak pass steve but was then passed back ondownwind.
Devon 1st
Steve 2nd
Wojtek 3rd
Michal 4th
Ross 5th
Antoine 6th
Race 4
It was pretty crazy again getting throught the starboard tackers on portbut i got through just on top of Arnon with Woijtek below and Steve well upabove. this time i decided to duck below Arnone to go for speed aboveWoijtek but just as i did Arnone beared off for speed and pushed me downbelow Woijtek. i was forced to tack against the mountain and had to doubletack the windward mark rounding in 8th behind Antoine and Ross. Steve wasleading comfortably with Woijtek and Arnon chasing. after the reach markeveryone ahead of me jibed for the middle while i ran down the outer side ofthe lake. after jibing i had to pump all the way to the leeward mark androunded in 4th. i was so tired from pumping that i couldnt stick it upwindand had to go well down under Arnone and Woijtek. but i was still able tohold on to 4th for the upwind with Steve well out in 1st. Arnon fought withWoijtek to the windward mark and then had better speed downwind to cruise to 2nd.
Steve 1st.
Arnon 2nd
Wojtek 3rd
Devon 4th
Antoine 5th
Ross 6th
so with one more day of racin im in second with a very slim chance ofcatching Woitek and Steve and Antoine tied for 3rd. so we will see how thelast day finishes out.