Race one
The wind finally started filling in around 1 oclock and we headed out to therace course for two back to back races. today i had Antoine, Gonzalo, Steve,Peter, Jesper, and Ben.
First start went for port tack start in the middle towards the boat. i was alittle late getting through but finally got some clean air. Peter had aperfectstart right at the boat with Jesper hot behind him. Antoine started rightaboveme and had a little more board speed to pass over the top of me. we got tothemountain with peter tacking first to lead for the rest of the race with somereally good speed. unfortunatley jesper got a stick on his fin and had tostopto get it off. i rounded windward in 3rd behind antoine with steve followingbehind. we held those same positions for the rest of the race.
Peter 1st
Antoine 2nd
Devon 3rd
Steve 4th
Ben 5th
Gonzalo 6th
Race two
Went for a port start again closer two the boat and took off with good speedtotake the lead. Gonzalo had a great start at the pin and was very closebehindme at the windward. i made the mistake of jibing off on the downwind andalmostpayed for it as gonzalo just got past me at the leeward mark but not enoughtoget above me. i went for angle while he went for speed and tacked as soon ashetacked so that i made the mark just ahead of him and held to the finish forthevictory.
Devon 1st
Gonzalo 2nd
Michal 3rd
Antoine 4th
Dan 5th
Steve 6th
Wojtek won both races in the yellow fleet so he took the lead with me insecond ahead of Antoine so im pretty happy with my racing. tomorrow we aregoing with the Gold fleet so there should be some very exciting racing. illfinally get to go against Woijtek along with all the boys so im looking veryforward to it.
Devon Boulon