Apologies to all sailors waiting anxiously for news of this event .

We expect to make an announcement and post a Notice of Race sometime next week .

Finalising the arrangements has difficult -but you can expect the event to take place during the beginning of OCTOBER .

No doubt you will have many questions to ask regarding the delay -and a full and frank discusion can take place at the Worlds ,where we we of course be holding the 2003 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING .

It is a requirement of the Constitution that at least 4 weeks notice of the AGM and its agenda shall be given to the membership .

Any items to be voted upon shall be posted on the Class website not less than 14 days before the AGM .

I invite you now to submit proposals for discusion .The voting members of the AGM -the class delegates of each National Windsurfing Association ,and the elected committee members (from Sylt 2002) should be contacted to support any proposal for discussion and voting .

If in doubt of procedures please contact me via the IWA office .

Regards, Ceri Williams .

Chairman .