We had three light wind races today. The boys advised me to put my Debouchet R-13 under my Fanatic 100 instead of my production Maui Fin Co 70 fin, so I did. The first two races I sailed with the Debouchet witch was oke but the whole field was very close to me all the time and I didn’t like that. So after two races I changed my fin again and used the production fin for the third and last race (nobody understands why I like this fin). Wind was light, just how I like it. The whole women fleet started close to the boat over starboard tack. I wanted to take some risk to get better score so I decided to start port tack, together with Oliver-Tom of the youth. Start turned out to be very good. We crossed far in front of the other women and at the time I was at the second mark Dorota passed the first. As usual I blew it on the downwind (think I have to train that) and Dorota passed me at the third mark. In the second upwind I had some luck because Dorota tacked were I decided to sail on over starboard tack and at the time I tacked I had a really good gust witch brought me directly to the buoy. I passed the buoy and heard a sound signal coming from the boat which was lying there. Thought they cancelled the race and off course I was very disappointed. But because I wasn’t sure I just sailed on to the next mark and there I saw another boat putting the mark onboard and sailing away with it. Then I went to the beach where the Dutchies were waiting on me. They told me the committee shortened the course and put the finish at buoy one witch was were I heard the sound signal. So it turned out I won the race!!! (You should see the smile on my face). So that’s the reason why I’m writing again today.

Cindy Koopman


(Fanatic/Kater Surf/Sinner/Aannemersbedrijf E. Koopman)
