After one of the theory sessions we took closer look into Katarina’s draft notes and found some tips on starting in the Formula race. 



1.object on the beach 

In the middle of the starting line there is always downwind curve, because it’s difficult to stay on the line when you are between the marks. Come to the start at least 15 minutes before the scheduled starting time. Determine the starting line by checking the line against object on the beach (easy on Lake Garda, because it is surrounded by mountains and clifs). Then when you are 10 seconds before start going on the line you will now how much room you still have and you can adjust your position. Check the object each time they change the position of the

    Tree on the beach
/[]\\\\     /				bouy			       
/[]\\\\   /  -- -- -- -- -- --{}- -- -- --- --- --- --- ---- ----{} boat   <- look from here

2.timing - sail around the race committee boat to catch the time correctly. Starting on time is crucial to score good place in the race. Very important, you have to be planning about 15 sec. before the start, Brian's said his minimum was 11-12sec. 

2. which side of the starting line?
There are few tricks helping to find the right way to start. Most important you have to find out which side of the line is favourable. The best way is:

  • if you are with your training partner whose speed is the same as yours, one starts going upwind from one side (bouy) and the other from the another side of the starting line (boat). The one who reaches higher is on favourable side, so you will try to start on that side.
  • if you are alone try to sail through starting line few times, try to find out which end of the line is closer to the wind direction
  •  if men fleet started before your fleet, try to pay attention to their start and see which side paid off

3. choosing the tack and position on the line 
The main benefit to start on starboard tack, is that you have the right of way. But many times it's better to start on port tack. The starting position is a scheme of risky/gaining or not risky/no gaining.

Low risk____________ medium risk_________________high risk
Low gain                        medium gain                                  high gain

Usually the top people take the spots of high risk, but also high gain. This is very it is most crowded on the starting line. You can win the race if you start from there, but you may as well end up in a crash, in the hole, in bad wind. That's because everyone is fighting for that spot.

So the safe choice for beginers is to start with clean wind somewhere in the midle of the starting line but always
ON TIME. Try to start close to somebody who is not the top guy, otherwise he will kill you 5 seconds after starts and you will sail in bad wind.
If the race is on the lake or close to the coast, than you can remember one
>>special tree<< on the coast which is aligned with the starting marks.  Some extra tips:

Stay close to the starting boat: you can hear what are the guys on the race boat talking about, or counting down for the first signal..

  • Stay on top of the starting line (but not in the course area, 1 min rule). If you are under the whole fleet it's very hard to go upwind and reach the starting line in time (no clean wind).
  • Make yourself a gap in the line and keep it for yourself by moving forward backward, rotating the sail, screaming "No room!!" etc.
  • Learn and train how to stand still on the same place, do a little bit of freestyle to get very good feeling for the aquipment, it works like push the brake and it stops it should be the same on formula.

See you on the water (at 8am)!

Aloha from Adria Girls: 

Katarina (SLO 24), Ana (SLO 58) and Maja (CRO 15)