Short update from the inscription day in Porto Santo:

The countdown is running. Less than 24 hours for the first race of the Windsurfing Euro-Cup 2003.

While the inscriptions are running many competitors are rigging and tuning their gear. At the moment we have sideshorewind from the left between 5 and 12 knots. So Porto Santo provides perfect conditions for the pre competition day

Brian and Kevin are testing their Starboard/Gaastra combination which seem to be important especially for Kevin as his board was lost on the trip from Hawaii to Porto Santo. Good for him that Brian brought a spare board. The Fanatic team has arrived with Steve Allen (AUS-0, Fanatic, Neil Pryde), Arnon Dagan (ISR-1, Fanatic, Neil Pryde) and Ben van der Steen (NED-57, Fanatic, Neil Pryde). They have made the best out of their forced stop on the neighbour island Madeira and had already a nice surfing session yesterday. Arnon was the first to break a mast. Not on the water but when he put tension to his downhaul.

A gallery with more pics can be found on the official website of the Windsurfing Euro-Cup