We finally got some decent breeze here in Florida for the final day of the event. Winds picked up to 7 to 12 knots today for the 3 races.

Blazing out of the gates again was Antione Albeau in race 4, closely followed by Gonzalo Costa Hoevel and Micah Buzianis. Antione held the lead around the course and won by a small margin over Gonzalo, Micah in third and Jimmy Diaz in 4th.

Race 5 saw World Champion Kevin Pritchard finally show his face near the top of the fleet, who started on Port and was gone at the first mark, with Sam Ireland in second and Jimmy Diaz in third. Albeau was still in touch in fourth. Jimmy Diaz sailed the smartest to take Pritchard on the last downwind and Sam Ireland also passed Pritchard to finish in second and third respectively.

Race 6 was the windiest of the regatta, gusting now up to 12 knots. Wojtek who missed race 4 due to late at the beach was ready to leave his mark on the event, came off the line at the pin with speed and was first at the top mark followed by Pritchard and Albeau in third looking to secure the regatta victory. Wojtek sailed well to finish in first, Pritchard in second and Albeau rounded out the top 3. Fourth in the final race was Costa Hoevel which put him into second in the event behind Antione.

Final results

Formula Open

1st- Antoine Albeau

2nd- Gonzalo CostaHoevel

3rd- Micah Buzianis

4th- Kevin Pritchard

5th- Wojtek Brzozowski

6th- Jimmy Diaz

Other Division winners-

Open Light- Xavier Ferlet

Grand Masters- Steve Sylvester

Masters Heavy- Phil McGain

Masters Light- Mike Zajicek

Women A- Laurel Robertson

Youth Formula- Keith Atkinson

All in all a great regatta, with extremely testing winds, but all sailors are able to go away tied and satisfied.

Full report and official results go to: www.calema.com