Industry members met with IWA delegates on Thursday January 23rd at BOOT Dusseldorf, Germany to review the aims and objectives of the association; receive the results of a study commissioned by the IWA; and meet Rich Jeffries (USA) who is the chairman of the ISAF Windsurfing Evaluation Trials Team.

The key message from the classes to the industry is one of co-operation. Now is the time for the stakeholders in the sport of windsurfing to join together to develop and implement a global communications strategy that positions the sport relative to other so called extreme sports; unites the racing fraternity behind one flag carrier by recognising that the sport’s association with the Olympic Games as an incredible asset; and identifies ways of introducing the sport to new participants.

Rich Jeffries made it plain that the e-team has an open mind on the equipment or format to be selected for the 2008 Olympic Regatta in China. He is looking to the IWA to come forward with proposals for consideration by ISAF on the international class to manage the Olympic process, the class rules, and format to be raced. Further he intimated that there is likely to be only one trials event, probably in July, in Europe and is looking forward to evaluating boards from existing brands, well known shapers and anyone else who wished to put prototypes forward. ISAF will probably announce the official criteria and conditions for participation at the end of February.

The meeting report is at http://www.internationalwindsurfing.com/default.asp?menu=241&parent=181&grandparent=2


Immediately following the IWA industry meeting, the IWA board met to confirm the main agenda points for 2003 (see below); establish working groups made up of representatives from the classes; review the key messages from the marketing study commissioned from Aristeia Sport Communications and set the 2003 budget.

The classes established working groups to give in-put to the ISAF e-team on evaluation methodology; marketing; and Olympic format & rules

Key messages from the marketing study are that the sport’s involvement in the Olympic Regatta is an asset and should be prized; that the sport needs to identify and promote a ‘flag carrier’; that windsurfing industry involvement in the Olympic format must be optimised; and that the classes have a key role to play.

A follow up study has subsequently been commissioned in order to maximise the industry’s input and to enable as many views as possible to be taken into account. This will be reviewed at the next meeting to be held at the end of March. A further meeting with the Industry at the end of May is being considered.


Ceri Williams, chairman of the IFWC, was elected as the IWA President for 2003. This post rotates on an annual basis. Ceri is relatively new on the international scene having only been on the FW Committee since 2001; elected to the chair of the FW Committee in 2002; and is now elected to the Presidency of the IWA Board. He is passionate about the sport as are his two sons who are both racing at high level. He is closely involved in the racing scene in the UK as the Race Director of the UKWA. On being elected, Ceri said “ I would like to thank Bruno de Wannemaeker for the excellent job he did as the 2002 President. His tenure in office brought stability and enabled the classes to turn their attention to the real issues challenging our sport. I only hope that I can achieve as much in my year at the helm!”


Michel Quistinic (Neil Pryde Europe) was elected by the industry brands present at BOOT to replace Guy Chilvers (BIC) as the Industry Representative on the IWA Board. Guy stepped down after completing his two-year term, which saw the foundation of the IWA and it’s transformation from a dream into an effective administration supporting all the classes.

On election, Michel said, “I am proud to be the elected representative of the industry on the IWA Board. I will do my best to circulate information to all of my colleagues and put forward their views in an impartial manner. In the meantime, my priorities are firstly, to encourage each brand to join the IWA (I will be in touch shortly with suggested membership proposals) and secondly to encourage my IWA board colleagues to rationalize the competition structure in windsurfing.”


ISAF Evaluation Trials

§ To give input into the methodology and analysis of the trials

§ To develop a marketing & communications strategy for the Olympic format

§ To make proposals concerning the Olympic Class, Format, Rules & Structure

Amendment to Appendix B

§ This is now a top priority

§ To review the FRRS and RRS Appendix B with a view

§ To make a joint submission to the ISAF by July 31st ’03

IWA Industry membership

§ To encourage windsurfing brands to join

§ To work with them to promote the sport

§ To establish a strong central administration

Global Marketing Strategy

§ To attract new participants

§ To promote a ‘flag carrier’

§ To rationalize existing competition structures

Production Board Registration & Measurement

§ To review/amend the board registration procedure

§ To facilitate simple and effective regatta measurement

Existing Championships

§ To deliver high standards of execution and integrity

§ To attract the maximum number of entries


§ To gather data on existing education systems

§ And windsurfing schools worldwide

§ In light of other objectives, this project is not high priority


The classes have empowered the IWA to collect national class association fees on their behalf. These fees contribute to the funding of a professional administration for the sport. Invoices for Annual National Class Membership Fees for 2003 were sent out on December 3rd 2002. It would be much appreciated, now that the Christmas and New Year festivities are well behind us, if national associations could take the necessary action to pay their class fees by return. Thirteen Associations have already done so for which we thank them very much!


Training Arrangements

Those intending to train in Cadiz over the coming months, please take note. So many people wish to train that it has been necessary to set up a system to cope. The FAV has allocated one of the car parks near the harbour in Puerto Sherry for visiting foreign crews to put their material. Unfortunately, there is no covered area in this car park and so the FAV have agreed to allow Mistral sailors to keep their sails and boards in the sail locker, at a charge of €uros18 per sailor per month (or part of month). This is less than the price that the local sailors pay to keep their material here. Further details on coach boat launching, parking, camping and the ability to provide official documentation can be found at


Allocation/Qualification Systems

The ISAF system for ALLOCATING the maximum number of places on the world championship start line has been posted on the IMCO website at http://www.imco.org/regatta/03ISAFqualisys.pdf. The actual system by which a country selects athletes to compete is in the hands of each national authority. Some of these may have an existing method. Others may not. This is why IMCO decided at their 2002 AGM to publish their own annual world championship qualification system for 2003 as normal at www.imco/regatta/03MwcQualiSys.htm The list of those qualified through the IMCO system will be regularly updated and posted on the website as usual. This is a service to MNAs, which they are welcome to use or ignore according to their own wishes.


In a recent statement published on the IFWC website, Ceri Williams, class chairman stated that, “to ensure the continued development of the class it is vital that the IFWC publish a clear youth and junior racing policy that will remain unchanged for a number of years.” The published system will allow any brand to be involved from next year as long as they have an ASA skinned FW board registered on the ISAF FW Production Board List. For more details go to http://www.internationalwindsurfing.com/Default.asp?newsid=128


Please change your contact e-mail address for the IMCO to imco@internationalwindsurfing.com The old CompuServe address has been discontinued.


Following the IWA Board meeting at BOOT and discussions between the IFWC and the IFCA, the classes agreed that the current racing rules as regards sail identification (3 letter country code & numbers) as specified in FRS Appendix G will be strictly applied. You have been warned!


– Mistral & Raceboard South American Championship

Buenos Aires, Argentina – Feb 25th > March 1st

NoR at: http://imco.org/regatta/03SAnor.pdf

Contact the LOA on e-mail: imcoargentina@yahoo.com.ar

– Mistral Oceania Championship

Whangaparoa, New Zealand – March 1st > 4th

NoR at: http://imco.org/regatta/03OCEnor.htm

– Mistral & Raceboard Asian Championship

Penang, Malaysia – March 8th > 14th

20 kg. Free excess baggage and 50% discount on any additional excess baggage. To be eligible, competitors must confirm their date and point of departure with the Penang Swimming Club who will then reconfirm with Malaysia Airlines.

See the NoR at: http://imco.org/regatta/03AsianNoR.pdf for contact details

– Mistral & Raceboard North American Championship

Merida, Yucatan, Mexico – March 11th > 16th

NoR at: http://www.multired.net.mx/silcer2003

– Formula Europeans & Formula Youth Europeans

Douarnenez, France – May 3rd > 8th

NoR at: https://www.formulawindsurfing.org/read.php?type=nor&id=3

FWEC enter on line: http://www.internationalwindsurfing.com/default.asp?menu=245&parent=94&grandparent=3

FWYEC enter on line: http://www.internationalwindsurfing.com/default.asp?menu=247&parent=94&grandparent=0

Supported by PETIT NAVIRE and with Euro 20,000 prize money, conditions off Douarnenez are likely to be ideal for FW racing. For the first time Youth European Championship titles are up for grabs so if you are a young FW racer and want to prove yourself in front of the major stars on the circuit, this is your chance. All registered competitors are eligible to win a major lottery prize which will be drawn at the closing ceremony dinner at the end of the event. The grand prize will be substantial… you may even have to drive it away!

– Mistral European Championship

Palermo Mondello, Sicily, ITALY, May 5th > 14th

NoR at: http://imco.org/regatta/03mecNoR.htm

Enter on line: http://www.internationalwindsurfing.com/default.asp?menu=212&parent=94&grandparent=3

– Formula Festival

Lake Garda, Italy – July 7th > 12th

– includes 2003 IFWC YOUTH WORLDS & Championship Formula Racing for Junior, Espoir and Master

– Youth & Juniors compete on ASA boards (with limited rig sizes) taken from the 2003 FW list

See this at: https://www.formulawindsurfing.org/read.php?type=class&name=boardlist&noBounds=1&source=file

– Espoir & Masters equipment according to Class Rules: any board from the Official list

NoR to be published shortly

– Raceboard Worlds (inc 7.5 & Unlimited)

Greece – July 19th > 26th

NoR at: http://www.raceboard.org/03RcbrdWrldsNoR.htm

Entry Form: http://www.raceboard.org/03RcbrdWrldsFrms.pdf

Enter on Line: http://www.internationalwindsurfing.com/default.asp?menu=242&parent=94&grandparent=3

Come and race in the 2004 Olympic city and enjoy the atmosphere in the run up to the Pre-Olympic Regatta. The event will be based on the Nautical Club of Katikon Vouliagmenis and racing will take place on the Saronikos Gulf on virtually the same water as the Olympic Regatta. ! A chance not to be missed…..

– Aloha U15, Mistral Junior& Youth & Raceboard Masters Europeans

Puck, Poland – August 2nd > 9th

NoR at: http://imco.org/regatta/03JYMeuroNoR.htm

Entry Form at: http://imco.org/regatta/03JYMeuroFrms.pdf

MJOD & Aloha enter on line: http://www.internationalwindsurfing.com/default.asp?menu=243&parent=94&grandparent=0

MYEC & Raceboard enter on line:


The first exclusively longboard European Festival of racing takes place in Puck, Poland at the beginning of August. The Aloha Class will hold its AGM and elect a new committee. Many will use this as a qualification event for the world championship which will take place at the end of November in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.

– IFCA American Continentals

Freestyle, Formula and Slalom – Magdalen Islands – Canada Week – August 25th > 30th

– Mistral Worlds

Cadiz, Spain – September 11th > 22nd

NoR at: http://imco.org/regatta/03MWCnor.htm

The Spanish Championships for the Olympic Classes will be held here in Cadiz from the 7th to 10th September 2003. These will be an open event and therefore ideal for competitors wishing to do some last minute training before the worlds!

– Formula Worlds

Sardinia, Italy – Early October 2003.

– IFCA Worlds – Wave-Freestyle and Racing, Slalom

Hyeres, France in October – week 43

– Aloha, Mistral & Raceboard Junior, Youth & Masters Worlds

Merida, Yucatan, Mexico – November 29th > Dec 6th

Pre-NoR at: http://imco.org/regatta/03Pre-JYMwcNoR.htm




The new Windsurfing Euro Cup Website is online.



Calema Midwinters 2003

The Original Calema Midwinters – Friday 28 February to 2 March – Merritt Island, Florida Space Coast



New Zealand Racing Nationals

Currently on – news, photos and results: www.racenationals.co.nz


IWA WEBSITE: http://www.internationalwindsurfing.com

Aloha: http://alohaclass.org

Formula Windsurfing: https://www.formulawindsurfing.org

IFCA: http://users.pandora.be/the.webbit.nv1/ifca/

IMCO: http://www.imco.org

MJOD: http://www.imco.org/junior/Junior%20Frameset.htm

PWA: http://www.pwaworldtour.com/

Raceboard: http://www.raceboard.org

ISAF: http://www.sailing.org/

E-mail contact:

aloha@internationalwindsurfing.com – Marc Cardon – Aloha Class Chairman

FW@internationalwindsurfing.com – Ceri Williams – IFWC Class Chairman

IFCA@internationalwindsurfing.com – Bruno de Wannemaeker – IFCA Class Chairman

imco@internationalwindsurfing.com – Rory Ramsden – IMCO Class Secretary

MJOD@internationalwindsurfing.com – Rory Ramsden – MJOD Class Secretary

PWA@internationalwindsurfing.com – Phil McGain – PWA Chairman

Raceboard@internationalwindsurfing.com – Rory Ramsden – Raceboard Class Secretary

rory@internationalwindsurfing.com – Rory Ramsden – IWA Executive Secretary

iwaoffice@internationalwindsurfing.com – Annie Smith – IWA Administrative Secretary


To include an article in the next issue of IWA e-news please forward it by Feb. 28th to: iwaoffice@internationalwindsurfing.com

The Windsurfing Newsletter is published by the International Windsurfing Association, of Hampshire, England Telephone/Fax: +44 23 9246 8831 E-mail: iwaoffice@internationalwindsurfing.com

URL: http://www.internationalwindsurfing.com/

Anything written in the WebNews can be freely reprinted in any form, provided it is done faithfully. IWA takes no responsibility for the accuracy of anything published on the WebNews. The opinions of the Editor are not necessarily those of the IWA Board. We rely on the knowledge and honesty of our contributors.