Erratic winds plague the first day in Hobart, but 3 races completed. Westerly winds came through the course early this morning and quickly picked up to 25 knots, sailors quickly rigged there smallest sails as the first start was schedule for 10am.

Finally the starting line was set after the starting boat continually dragged it’s anchor and everyone go away to a clean start. The winds at this stage started to back off as the top sailors approached the weather mark for the first time. Around in first was Phil McGain closely followed by Mike Nelson with the familiar Sam Parker rounding in third. Local hotshot Dave Moorehead was in touch in fourth. By the bottom mark the determined McGain pumping downwind in the dying breeze stretched his lead to a comfortable margin. At the finished it was McGain cleary in front of Nelson and Sam Parker holding onto third place.

Race 2 was started in very light winds, but later abandoned when all sailors started to drift all over the course in glassy conditions. Within half an hour the winds had again picked up to over 40 knots, so it was time to wait and see if the winds backed off to a reasonable strength. Finally after 1 hour the course was reset and the start for race 2 proceeded.

This time the winds were gusting to 30 knots and sailors all on small gear. McGain once again lead the way round the first mark with a good lead on Steve Charles from Tasmania and another local boy Dave Morehead in third. With winds gusting and shifting Charles hung on downwind, only to see McGain stretch his lead by hitting his downwind laylines and rounding the bottom mark well ahead. Steve Charles was just holding off his training partner Dave Morehead with Mike Nelson close on his tail. McGain took another victory while Steve Charles was delighted with his second ahead of arch rival Dave Morehead in 3rd.

Race 3 saw another dramatic change in the wind just before the starting signal. McGain who recongnized it immediately along with Steve Charles tacked onto Port tack and headed back out to the middle of the bay for better wind. By this time the wind was back at 25+, with McGain and Charles having made a good move at the start was clear ahead of the pack coming across on starboard tack to the first mark. Dave Morehead rounded 3rd at the top mark behind McGain and Charles, with Sam Parker in 4th. McGain once again showed his downwind speed rounded the bottom mark clear infront of Charles who at the stage was well ahead of 3rd place. McGain finished in first with Steve Charles in second, Sam Parker passed Dave Morehead to take 3rd.

A very good days racing, with challenging conditions for both sailors and race crew.

After 3 races, no drops.

Phil McGain- 3 points.

Steve Charles- 11 points.

Sam Parker- 11 points.

Dave Morehead- 11 points.

Mike Nelson- 13 points.

For all the action go to the onsite cam: