… first photos

SMS-es from Matthias


No more racing today!


The wind is playing games with us. Now the northern wind is picking up again. Some competitors have gone to the water and are even able to plane!!


The thermic died again. We are really unlucky. Waiting …


The Maloja wind is picking up. It has finally reached Silvaplana. We are waiting for the wind to stabilize. Stay online…


Slowly but surely the southern wind pics up. In Sils (about 3 km to the south) the Maloja is already blowing!

We hope for great racing again. Some more competitors have registered. We have now over 100 men and 15 women!


The north wind has finally died and we are now waiting for the

Maloja wind. It is now 12:30 and it looks promising.


A perfect morning in Silvaplana. Sunshine, snow on the mountains and the beautiful Lake in the valley. Unfortunately we have still this northern wind that is fighting with the Maloja thermic. Skippers meeting is at 10:30 ….