A proposal from the Formula Committee to amend the Production Board Rule was approved by the General Meeting of the Class Association called for 21st January. The proposal was a popular one and most national class associations took the option to vote , in advance, by email.

The committee also voted by email , with only Germany and the Netherlands represented by delegates at the meeting held at the Dusseldorf Boat Show.

The current rule:

– A brand is currently required to commit to producing 50 formula boards before registering a design with World Sailing.

The proposal:

– a change from 50 boards to 25 boards.

The vote was unanimous in accepting the proposed change.

7 committee member vote YES by email. 9 NCA’s – DEN, EST, GBR, ITA, NOR, POL, POR, SUI, USA – vote YES by email, NED and GER voted YES at the meeting.