In this last weekend we had in the City of Lagos and with the organization of the Clube de Vela de Lagos, the 5th Stage of the Formula Windsurfing Portugal Series 2016 – Lagos, and also include the Iberian Championship 2016.

Like always Lagos is a amazing place to race in any kind of Windsurfing Class, always amazing conditions and also a amazing organization by the local Club.

We had 23 competitors, Portuguese and Spanish, and we didn´t had more because on Friday 01 of July was working day, and several competitors were also sick, and was impossible to join the Race.

In this 3 days we had completely different conditions and extreme one´s, from 30 knots of wind in the first day, till no wind in the Last day of the event.

In the first day we made 3 races, first two races back to back with winds around 20 to 25 knots, and after a break another race with gusts of 30 knots, all the 3 races were won by Fernando martinez, in very challenging conditions. In the last race of the day only 6 competitors finish the race.

In the second day, we had 4 races, two back to back a break and other two back to back, the first two races the wind was between 10 to 15 knots and increasing, this two races were won by Miguel Martinho, that was trying to keep up with Fernando, the second two races the wind again increase a lot with already gusts of 25 knots, this time in the front of the fleet the two first guys, split one race was won by Miguel and the other one was won by Fernando.

In the end of this second day we had a amazing BBQ in the beach with all competitors, families, friends and organizers, once again a amazing dinner.

The last day the forecast was not the best, was suppose to be SW around 08 knots, around 14.30 the CR was on the water and lower the delta flag for all competitors go to the water because in the place of the race was between 08 to 09 knots, but after 20minutes the wind was completely down and never increase anymore.

For that the championship finished with the results of the second day: Fernando Martinez, Miguel Martinho and Carlos Ortiz.

Next and the last event of the Formula Windsurfing Portugal Series 2016, and the most important race of the year, that will count more point for the Portuguese Ranking will be in Azores in the island of São Miguel. It’s a very good place, and only in azores we have a Formula Windsurfing fleet of 18 competitors, the dates will be in the end of September.

Next year the Iberian Championship 2017 will be in Spain again.

Once again thanks to the local organizer Clube de Vela de Lagos, for the amazing organization, and also many thanks to Carlos Almeida the best photographer of windsurfing in Portugal, without is work was impossible to have all this images of the Championship.

Best regards


1º Day – Pictures

2º Day – Pictures

3º Day and Prize giving – Pictures