Outgoing 2015 IWA President, Francesco Zarbo, commented: “we remind everybody that we are an organisation – to Unite, to Assist, and to Serve – with clear objectives that include ‘To protect and represent the interests of windsurfers worldwide’. Discrimination is not one of our goals or duties.”

Ezio Ferin, Techno 293 President, takes over from Francesco as 2016 IWA President. “On behalf of my fellow executive committee members I take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year. Let us ensure that the kindred spirit and friendly rivalry that exists at our techno championships pervades all our events during 2016 and beyond.”

The IWA Executive Committee would like to take this opportunity to affirm the IWA’s strong support for the International Olympic Committee Code of Ethics. We as others believe that sailors of all member nations are entitled to equal opportunity to compete. The IWA remains committed to ensuring equal treatment of every sailor competing in sanctioned events and stands against discrimination against any participant on the basis of race, gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, philosophical or political opinion, marital status or other grounds. It remains our responsibility to ensure that these conditions are met at all IWA sanctioned international competitions.