Day 2, started with very light westerly winds. After attempts to start a

race were unsuccessful, we were all sent to the beach to wait.

Strong northerly winds had been predicted for late in the afternoon. The RC

knew it would be difficult to get a race or two completed before the 7pm cut

off time. At about 5:45 pm the AP flag came down and we all rushed to change

fins and sails for the rapidly increasing wind strength.

The wind came in fast along with some storm cells to the east and south of

our location. With darkness falling, and the storms threatening, we managed

to complete 2 races in 25-30 knots of gusty North wind.

Heading to the beach after the last race of the day, in fading light and

high wind was a unique experience. Again congratulations to LAT-23, GRE-28,

LAT-0 for finishing 1,2,3 in both races.

Day 3, was an epic day for all involved. 5 races completed in 20-30 knots of

shifting gusty north winds. Many very tired and sore competitors after this

big day of high wind Formula.

LAT-23 & GRE-28 kept their perfect 1st, 2nd run of results. GRE-28 made it

to the top mark in first a few times, looking for the chance to take a

bullet away from the FW tour leader. However, LAT-23 showed his class and

skill to maintain a perfect run of bullets.

Many competitors very tired and feeling the pain after today. However AUT-30

and AUS-200 are feeling a little more pain than the rest. Both had to retire

from the event after an unfortunate collision before the start of race 4.

After the collision, AUT-30 managed to complete race 4. He even manged to

make it to the top mark in first place. But sadly, suspected cracked ribs

has forced him to withdraw. AUS-200 with seven stitches in the face and a

fractured nose. Managed to make it back to the beach, and was taken to the

nearby Spata medical centre for treatment.

We wish them both a fast recovery, and hope that Markus is back in shape for

the upcoming Austrian championships.

Tomorrow, last day.

Forecast looks to bring more very strong wind.