In total, 95 participants; 44 Formula windsurfing, 27 Bic Techno, 12 IKA Kite race; 5 RS:X and 7 Raceboard, from five countries; Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland and Russia, took part in final event in Liepaja, Latvija.

Many windsurfers know Liepaja already from past years; two World Championships, one in Formula and one in Raceboard classes and two European Formula Windsurfing Championships took place in white sand beach in city Liepaja, Baltic Sea. Weather forecast was challenging, however „City Liepaja, where the wind is born!” offered one of the best wind conditions windsurfers could have for all classes. In three days, eight races were sailed for Formula class. All the event was great success! Many thanks to experienced race officer Janis Jekabsons and his team; Arnis Krauklis, who managed perfect work on the water making starts, setting and changing race courses during the days; great work of protest committe lead by Alberts Rozins and finally; Juris Vasioleks from Extermesports, who managed to organise his 14th Baltic Cup event!

Many thanks to sponsors : Neil Pryde, Extremesports, Lauma Lingerie, Liepajas Dome, Ramirent, Liva Hote,, Ministry of Education in Latvia.

Please find attached :

1 Neilpryde Baltic Cup Latvia FW event results.

2 Neilpryde Baltic Cup overall results.

Please see bellow all picture links from each day of event :

First day :

Second day :

Third day and prize giving ceremony :

Neilpryde Baltic Cup 2014 Latvia Event final results

Formula Windsurfing Junior U-20

1. Karl-Erik Saarm (EST)

2. Raimonds Zelcs (LAT)

3. Kristians Krauklis (LAT)

Formula Windsurfing Women

1. Marit Ruusak (EST)

Formula Windsurfing Grand Master

1. Ansis Dale (LAT)

2. Arvidus Moliusis (LTU)

3. Talis Petersons (LAT)

Formula Windsurfing Master

1. Janis Preiss (LAT)

2. Martin Ervin (EST)

3. Janis Rencis (LAT)

Formula Windsurfing Overall

1. Janis Preiss (LAT)

2. Jonh Kaju (EST)

3. Martin Ervin (EST)

Neilpryde Baltic Cup 2014 Overall final results.

Formula Windsurfing Junior U-20

1. Karl Erik Saar (EST)

2. Tristen Erik Kivi (EST)

3. Raimonds Zelcs (LAT)

Formula Windsurfing Women

1. Marit Rusak (EST)

2. Betti Vainkula (EST)

Formula Windsurfing Grand Master

1. Arvidas Moliusis (LTU)

2. Ansis Dale (LAT)

3. Talis Petersons (LAT)

Formula Windsurfing Master

1. Janis Preiss (LAT)

2. Martin Ervin (EST)

3. Maris Birzulis (LAT)

Formula Windsurfing Overall

1. Janis Preiss (LAT)

2. Martin Ervin (EST)

3. Jonh Kaju (EST)