An international wind- and kitesurfing regatta NeilPryde Baltic Cup Estonia, which started in Tallinn on Friday, continued on Saturday in strong and shifty winds. The class leaders strengthened their positions in the first place and on the other podium positions the name of the game was shuffling the cards.

So, as the weather forecast was promising, Saturday in Pirita started with strong winds, and with a gray and overcast sky. With 18-20-knot-wind the Formulas were the first at sea, in addition to the three which were yesterday’s two races were held. Wind direction inflicted a wave very awkward and erratic, in addition to strong winds the gusts and also the wind holes were complicated even for more experienced surfers. During the next two races held for the kitesurfers the wind was getting weaker. Around three o’clock Raceboards were called to the sea for their first two races of the day. Later in the afternoon until almost 9 p.m. all classes managed to complete more races in strengthening wind: the Formulas and kitesurfers two and Raceboards one.

In Formula class was undefeated the current leader of the world ranking Latvian Janis Preiss LAT23, who continued his winning streak today, with the four stylish bullets. Estonian Formula top surfer Martin Ervin EST202 rose worthy of his title, and outperformed by the end of the day yesterday in second place man John Kaju EST24. Now Martin Ervin is second at 7 pts distance from Preiss and Kaju is third losing just one point.

Under 20-year-old Formula division continued today as a leader Karl-Erik Saarm EST228, on the second place remained Tristen Erik Kivi EST347, and to the third position jumped Latvian Kristaps Keidans LAT28.

Raceboard classes managed to get 3 races today to, and ultimately six races. In class RS: X today the current leader Rainer Kasekivi EST168 added to its series of first, second, and fourth place, increasing its success in front of the second position to 3 pts. From yesterday’s fourth place jumped up to the second Keit Järve EST257, who came across the finish line twice as first and once as fourth today. Marcus Pertelson EST121 has maintained its place among the top three, who today was twice second and once third. On the other separates him from just one point.

Techno 293 U15 – Namejis Dreimanis LAT47 remained the leader with three victories today and the total score of 5 pts. Oscar Naabel EST122 and Gregor Schneider EST696 maintained their yesterday’s second and third place, respectively 18 and 23 pts, even though in today’s races they did not reach the finish line within the time limit.

Techno 293 U17 – the division maintained its leading position with Latvian Aleksandra Kaupa LAT116. Today, with the first and two second places Alfred Kalm EST101 came in to second place losing just one point to Kaupa, pushing Aarto Pihlapuu EST129 in to the third, who is 3 pts behind.

With today’s four races the kitesurfers have now 7 races completed. The day was dominated by Viktoras Šeputas LTU42, who added 5 bullets to his series and ended the day with 5 pts in total. The battle for the second and third positions was among top three Estonian kitesurfers: Margus Otsa EST49, Ranno Rum EST15 and Madis Kallas EST45. Today put his superiority to pay Margus Otsa being 2nd in three races and 3rd in one. With the total of 11 pts he is 6 pts behind from Šeputas. Crossing the finishing line three times as 3rd and once as 2nd Madis Kallas pushed Ranno Rum to the fourth place. With 13 pts in conclusion two pts separated him from the other place.

The results

Video summary by A4 media

Pictures by Tiit Mõtus

NeilPryde Baltic Cup is an internationally recognized Formula windsurfing class racing series that gives points in the Formula world

ranking. 2014, there has been one phase on 23–25 May in Lithuania and the series reaches the peak on 8–10 August in Latvia, where the Baltic’s best surfers will be crowned. For the third year in a row, NeilPryde Baltic Cup will have under the big windsurfing regatta three different windsurfing classes: Formula, NeilPryde RS: X, Techno 293. And for the second year, also Kite Race will have its points for the world ranking.

NeilPryde Baltic Cup Estonia in web

NeilPryde Baltic Cup Estonia on Facebook

This year for the first time the NeilPryde Baltic Cup Estonia will be the phase of the Estonian Yachting Union’s Olympic Sailing Estonian Cup Series. EYU’s Olympic Sailing Estonian Cup series consists of a total of eight youth and Olympic classes and there will be 8 events in series during 2014. Windsurfers and kites will participate in three of them, two races in Tallinn and Saaremaa one.

EYU Olympic Sailing Estonian Cup website:

EYU Olympic Sailing Estonian Cup on Facebook : https://

Competitions manuals, press releases, results, pictures, etc., are available on the official website of the competition:

Sponsors of the competition are Tarcona, Extreme Sports and Oxbow. The supporters of the Estonian Yachting Union are Vopak EOS, Liviko, NG Investeeringud, LTT and Matek.

If you have a desire to come to the race to shoot, shoot, or make a track, please contact:

Piret Salmistu

Formula European Tallinn Cup

NeilPryde Baltic Cup

Estonian Yachting Union


Tel: +372 50 77217