The first races of the International wind- and kitesurfing regatta NeilPryde Baltic Cup were held on Friday in Pirita, Tallinn. This is the 4th Act of the European Cup 2014, the 2nd Act of NeilPryde Baltic Cup for Formula windsurfing, and, last but not least, one stage of the Estonian Yachting Union’s Olympic Sailing Estonian Cup. For three days the event will bring together 87 athletes from Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia.

The regatta was kicked off by windsurfer classes Techno 293, Raceboard and RS:X but initially wind conditions allowed to complete just two races. Thereafter Formula Kite could enjoy a bit stronger winds and they had three runs. The afternoon’s 10-knot-winds enabled the main event – the Formulas – to hold their races and towards the evening windsurfers snatched their third race. Kitesurfer class Formula Kite was scheduled again for the evening but no winds meant no race.

The Formula class and its 39 participants had three races, which were all dominated by the current leader Latvian Janis Preiss LAT23 who commented on today’s conditions by saying “It was a good day despite low winds – we managed to have three races. Some had trouble with seaweed that caused problems with skegs. Estonian competitors Kaju and Ervin are strong and are breathing in my neck – every tack and every jibe counts!“ The most successful Estonian today was John Kaju EST24 (Saaremaa Surfiklubi) who was 2nd coming in second and third, giving Preiss a 5 pt lead. „I’m thrilled to have dominated home competition. I hope to stay on the same track tomorrow,” he said. Estonian Formula top surfer Martin Ervin EST202 (Team Extreme) is third at 5 pt distance from Kaju with two second and one ninth placing.

Youth Formula division has nine competitors with Karl-Erik Saarm EST28 (Team Extreme) in the lead, Tristen Erik Kivi EST347 (Saaremaa Surfiklubi) 2nd and Artur Kaiküll EST134 (Team Extreme) 3rd.

In Windsurfer class RS:X Rainer Kasekivi EST168 (Tallinna Purjelauakool) occupies the first place with 1-1-2. „Weather conditions were quite tough today – it was quite testing to wait in cold water between races. Despite one second place today I hope to stay in the lead tomorrow,“ said Kasekivi. Marcus Pertelson EST121 (Tallinna Purjelauakool) was 2nd on close fighting (2-2-3 left him 3 pts behind). Betti Vainküla EST212 (Team Extreme) follows him at 5 pt distance with her race runs of 5-3-4.

Techno 293 U15 –Namejis Dreimanis LAT47 is at the top of the leaderboard with three race wins. He is 3 pts ahead of Oscar Naabel EST122 (Tallinna Purjelauakool), second on all runs. 5 pts behind him is Gregor Schneider EST696 (Tallinna Purjelauakool) with his respective results of 3-5-3.

In Techno 293 U17 Aleksandra Kaupa LAT116 leads by 4 pts over Aarto Pihlapuu EST129 (Tallinna Purjelauakool) and Ketija Birzule LAT151 is in third, losing just by 2 pts.

Kitesurfer class Formula Kite was dominated by Viktoras Šeputas LTU42, who is placed 11 on the leaderboard and who was the winner of the Lithuanian Act of the NeilPryde Baltic Cup. Margus Otsa EST49 (NYCS/Fansurf) and Ranno Rumm (Kite team EST/Team Ozone/ were on close fighting and finished with equal points. However, the better result of the last race enabled Otsa to get the 2nd place.

Viljar Sepp, PRO of the regatta, concluded the day as follows: “As far as wind- and kitesurf events are concerned, wind conditions are of paramount importance as all classes have different wind requirements. Although wind changed directions and we had to make changes in the course, all fleets were lucky enough to have at least three races, and this means the event qualifies.”

The results after 3 races

Video summary by A4 media

Pictures by Tiit Mõtus

NeilPryde Baltic Cup is an internationally recognized Formula windsurfing class racing series that gives points in the Formula world

ranking. 2014, there has been one phase on 23–25 May in Lithuania and the series reaches the peak on 8–10 August in Latvia, where the Baltic’s best surfers will be crowned. For the third year in a row, NeilPryde Baltic Cup will have under the big windsurfing regatta three different windsurfing classes: Formula, NeilPryde RS: X, Techno 293. And for the second year, also Kite Race will have its points for the world ranking.

NeilPryde Baltic Cup Estonia in web

NeilPryde Baltic Cup Estonia on Facebook

This year for the first time the NeilPryde Baltic Cup Estonia will be the phase of the Estonian Yachting Union’s Olympic Sailing Estonian Cup Series. EYU’s Olympic Sailing Estonian Cup series consists of a total of eight youth and Olympic classes and there will be 8 events in series during 2014. Windsurfers and kites will participate in three of them, two races in Tallinn and Saaremaa one.

EYU Olympic Sailing Estonian Cup website:

EYU Olympic Sailing Estonian Cup on Facebook : https://

Competitions manuals, press releases, results, pictures, etc., are available on the official website of the competition:

Sponsors of the competition are Tarcona, Extreme Sports and Oxbow. The supporters of the Estonian Yachting Union are Vopak EOS, Liviko, NG Investeeringud, LTT and Matek.

If you have a desire to come to the race to shoot, shoot, or make a track, please contact:

Piret Salmistu

Formula European Tallinn Cup

NeilPryde Baltic Cup

Estonian Yachting Union


Tel: +372 50 77217