Day 0

We arrived 13 hours on the road from the battered east coast of the US.

Five in my Sequoia with a roof and trailer full of gear to a cold and dreary day. We relaxed, tuned gear and Johnny got some longboard and sup time.

Day 1 started light and cool

Long boards, RSX and Kona were called to the water. 2 races back to back in light and shifty NW wind. I decided to go play on the water with the longboarders so I rigged up my 9.0 and Equipe II. Sailing the old longboards was quite a throw-back, and it was good to be on the water to see if my training over the winter had paid off. There were some puffs from the North but no one was planning. We went in for lunch, the formula guys had already eaten and had heard that the wind was building so many had rigged. I wolfed down my bagel and cold-cuts. I rigged my NP RS Racing 11.8 that Steve Gotlieb of Aerotech sails had replaced the head strap on an overnight mission. Last off the beach I planned straight down to the starting line on my brand new un-sailed PD V3 equipped with a K70XS-T2 fin. All felt good but I realized that my sail was slightly under-down-hauled and it was pushing the nose down. As I approached the committee boat I could see the fleet was approaching the starting line at full speed. I picked a spot and jybed around the boat. Unfortunately my first jybe on the PD was not a planning one. So I managed to get a slightly late start with most guys ahead of me.Around the course I felt good and was picking off one after another until I could see only the top few guys in the lead. I ended in the top 5 (I think). Straight to the beach I added downhaul.

3 more races with the top 3 spots traded off between Vincent, Ron, and Christophe. I was in the top 6-7 in all races, but could not make the top 3. At the end of the day Christophe leads Ron by 1 point with Vincent in a great position to move to the top of the podium.

See photos at

After the races I helped Tom fix a batten over a couple of beers, then we had dinner at the Calema Shop followed 40 minutes soaking in the hot tub at the Radisson then straight to bed. Today’s forecast is warmer, lots of sun and similar wind.

Day 03

Sunny and light were the conditions as we ate at huge buffet breakfast at the Radisson Hotel in Cocoa Beach. Taking our time we moseyed over to the regatta site. Only to find that longboards were being called to the water.

We set up camp and Johnny hit the water. Learning from yesterday, I stayed on shore, no Longboards for me this day. Instead with the Help of Ron I tuned up my 11.8 and achieved a looser leach and better rotation of the cams. With a forecast of lighter but formula level winds we could tell that we would get more races in. Within an hour the wind was starting to build. The 11.8 was tuned I was ready to go. Darren Rogers from Hood River Oregon (the PRO) calls us to the water. This time I take my brand new K70XS-T4 with 5.0 degree rake. I was looking to get the nose up a bit. The looser leach slightly back track and 5.0 rake fin helped. The wind was building fast. Everyone was on 11’s to 12.5. I got a good start and was flying off the start line. We all pushed to the left. I tacked first. And headed off to the top mark. Oops, too early. I had great angle and speed but could not make the mark. I rounded in the top 6 and down we went to the bottom. Once again Christophe was in the lead with Ron following closely. Another windward leeward set of legs followed by a beam reach to the finish. Wow that was tough. Lots of front hand pushing the boom away.I knew it would be a long day so I went straight to my 10.0. Many guys going to there 9’s. Even Ron got off his 12.0.

Back out for the next race the 10 felt sweet. I also went to my K70XS-T0-HT (Hard tip). Control and speed were key. My angle upwind was good speed was good, Life is good! 2 more races back to back. One 4th and 1 5th. Two more bullets for Christophe two more seconds for Ron. We come in and Darren calls us back out. Ron goes to 67cm fin and moves his track back on his new PDV3. Now he is moving. Christophe wins the first leg, I start on port clear the fleet but the shifts prefer the guys on the left and I’m buried. I start picking guys off while Christophe and Ron do battle in the front. By the finish I end in 5th again, but this time Ron takes the bullet. After 8 races Ron has 22 points and Christophe 18. Final day ahead and the game is not over.