The final event of the UKWA Formula series crowned a worthy champion this year, Chris Bond. Boards catches up with Chris to find out more about the event and his successful year.

Chris Bond taking the title!

“After six events, the 2013 UKWA Formula series came to an exciting climax at Weymouth. The series could not have been tighter with both Chris Bond and Dave Coles on equal points going into the final event with Dave having the lead on count back. Also, making the event interesting, was the return of Keith Atkinson and the entry of Jamie Ingram who wanted to put his RS:X training to the test on a formula board. Many competitors showed their keenness by turning up on the Friday for some high wind training.

The weekend forecast was for light winds and the fleet had to wait until 2pm on Saturday to finally get onto the water. The first race was taken by Chris ahead of Keith Atkinson with Dave only managing 4th. The next 2 races were taken by Keith, with Chris managing to fend off Dave in both. Lack of wind for the rest of the weekend meant no more racing so the event belonged to Keith, with Chris securing the championship. Jamie showed great skills to take 3rd and on another day would have taken the event.

Over the season, great battles were throughout the fleet with Adrian Wallis taking the National 11 title and James Battye coming home 1st Youth. Special mention also goes to Jason Clarke who just secured 3rd overall place ahead of Tim Gibson.

It was a highly competitive season that went right down to the wire with few points splitting various positions in the fleet. Next season promises more of the same with more competitors due on the scene.

The winners!

Cup 6 Results

1st Keith Atkinson (Fanatic/North)

2nd Chris Bond (Point 7, Gaastra/Tabou, Z-Fins, Robin Hood Watersports)

3rd Jamie Ingram

1st National 11 Adrian Wallis

2nd National and 1st Youth James Battye (Point 7, Robin Hood Watersports)

Overall Results: UKWA Formula Windsurfing Championships 2013

1st Chris Bond (Point 7, Gaastra/Tabou, Z-Fins, Robin Hood Watersports)

2nd Dave Coles (Severne, Gaastra/Tabou)

3rd Jason Clarke

1st National 11 Adrian Wallis

2nd National 11 Bob Ingram

1st Youth James Battye (Point 7, Robin Hood Watersports)

Want to know more about how formula windsurfing could change your life? Check out our article here.