19:00 | will be very wecome – supplied by “Innocent” – 100% natural fruit smoothies

19:58 | The competitors are just getting back to the beach – the energy drink from sponsors

19:57 | we are hopeful to start championship racing tomorrow –

18:55 | Skippers meeting tomorrow at 10.00 first possible warning signal at 11

18:21 | With the forecast they did not expect to get on the water – but it was a useful practice race for all concerned

The race committee moved pretty fast to set the course once AP went down- the sailors know they have to be ready quickly to get to the start .

18:20 | It is AP over H – the racers have been sent back to the beach … no doubt that is it for today

18:08 | one abandoned start but we are now in sequence for a restart of race 1 for youth

17:55 | AP is up on the start boat – the wind dropped down as many of the sailors were making their way to the start.

17:11 | wind is 11 knots off shore and has swung – maybe we will get a race

17:10 | AP down at 1700

14:15 | we are still on hold waiting for wind

11:57 | We are postponed until 1300 and reassess after that time – there is no wind at the moment.

The the forecast for future days is ok

11:56 | 69 competitors registered – 30 in the youth championship and the rest in Masters ( including two seniors for a european cup ranking)

11:56 | 69 competitors registered – 30 in the youth championship and the rest in Masters ( including two seniors for a european cup ranking)

10:13 | Stay tuned for final entry list , equipment list and other news..

10:12 | No doubt he will be on hand throughout the week to support the organisers and competitors – when he returns to championship racing it will be as a grandmaster !

10:10 | Markus P will not be racing – misfortune happened and he has his left arm in a plaster, a result of a catapult whilst racing.Accidents happen!

10:08 | There are further late entries this morning and the first skippers meeting will be at 10.00. The forecast does not look promising , at least not for the first two days – but local racers reliably inform us of an optimistic forecast later in the week

10:07 | On behalf of the class chairman Francesco Zarbo declared the championship open and we all enjoyed a welcoming meal on the terrace

10:06 | in the evening the event was opened with speeches from representative of the host organisation – the Austrian Sailing Federation; and from chairman of Austrian Windsurfing Markus Poltenstein

10:04 | at the critical moment yesterday the internet went down – so apologies for no info.But it was registration day yestrerday and fortunately a lot of late entries came in to boost the total entry to a near respectable 65.