Time goes very fast when you realize that this was the 15th Neil Pryde Baltic Cup that just finished in Liepaja, Latvia. Fifteen years ago, the organizers created an idea to invite all Baltic windsurfers – from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – to join a new series of events. One event per country, with overall scoring at the end, giving the opportunity for windsurfers to race together, to socialize and make new friends between our countries. Today, we can acknowlegde that, since the very beginning, the idea is working very well! From a single discipline Formula event, the event grew to multi discipline Euro Cup event, attracting all ages and class of windurfers, not only from Baltic countries, but from across the globe. The racing series in the Baltics has become one of biggest windsurfing events wordwide today.

104 participants took part in the final 2013 event in Liepaja, Latvia: 60 in Formula, 20 in Bic Techno, 12 in Raceboard and 12, for the first time, kiteboard racing!

In three days, eight races were sailed in Formula class. Conditions here in Liepaja were quite different from recent Formula World Championship in Viganj, Croatia, where flat water and light wind dominated the races. In Liepaja, starting first day of racing, up to 2 meter waves with strong current from South made sailing conditions great, but also more challenging for all racers. The average wind was from 11 to 20 knots, depending on race. The wind was also shifty. Only the last race decided Latvia event winner! Finishing 1st in last race and only by 0,7 point margin, the winner is Valentin Brault from France. Second place goes to Janis Preiss from Latvia, who finished 4th in last race and third to Sebastian Kornum from Denmark.

In Formula Youth divison winner is Christian Justesen from Denmark, in Masters; Janis Preiss from Latvia and Grandmasters; Ansis Dale from Latvia. Only lady and winner of Latvia event is Betti Vainkula from Estonia.

In Bic Techno class, all racers were divided in three divisions; U15, U17 and Open. After 3 races the overall winner is Keit Jarve from Estonia. She won all 3 races from 20 Bic participants! As well as U17 divison. U15 winner is Alexandra Kaupa from Liepaja and Open class winner is Davis Vecbastiks from Latvia.

In Raceboard class, the same as in Bic, the races were won by lady, 2 times olympian Vita Matise. Second place Gunars Rozenbergs from Latvia and third Aldis Surins from Latvia.

For the first time, kitesurfers took part in Latvia event. Cabrinha Neilpryde Cup from very beginning showed great interest from kitesurfers! Thanks to its popularity and growing interest worldwide, as well as its Olympic aspirations. The Latvian event was won by Ivan Doronin from Russia, who won five out of six races, followed by Lithuanian Viktoras Seputa and Estonian Ranno Rumm.

The Baltic Cup 2013 overall winners were also decided here in Liepaja. All races from the three events were used in the series overall ranking.

Formula Windsurfing:

1) Janis Preiss (Latvia)

2) Martin Ervin (Estonia)

3) John Kaju (Estonia)

Youth -Petter Kask (Estonia)

Masters- Janis Preiss ( Latvia)

Grandmasters- Ansis Dale (Latvia)

Women-Betti Vainkula (Estonia)

Bic Techno 293:

U15- Alexandra Kaupa (Latvia)

U17-Keit Jarve (Estonia)

Overall- Davis Vecbastiks (Latvia)

Raceboard – Vita Matise (Latvia)

Kiteboard Racing – Viktoras Seputa (Lithuania)

In conclusion, I want to thank all the Baltic Cup event organizers: Robertas Gradauskas and Darius Mikelonis from Lithuania; Erno Kaasik from Estonia; and Juris Vasioleks from Latvia. They have been supporting and organizing the events in the Baltics for last 15 years.

Thanks also to the Neil Pryde company, supporting the event series since the very beginning. Many thanks for Latvia event crew Janis Jekabsons, beautiful girls Madara and Agita, Arnis, Juris, Ringolds and Maiks.

Thanks to all participants coming and taking part in all Baltic Cup events this year and see you next year!

Ansis Dale

Baltic Cup Formula Overall

15th Neil Pryde Baltic and Euro Cup just finished in Latvia.pdf