20:28 | Skippers meeting tomorrow at 1100 – first possible warning signal at 1200

20:28 | Casper Bouman leads the gold fleet from Gonzalo and Steve

20:27 | two races for gold amd silver groups – full results to follow.

15:05 | The wind has changed direction and is filling in – AP is down. A little earlier than yesterday – we hope it holds up today.

08:19 | the schedule will be the planned gold (2 races) followed by silver (2 races)

08:18 | This morning we have the AGM at 10.30 at the beach; the meeting was postponed from last night to allow many competitors and officials to attend a buffet provided at the invitation of the Polish ambasadour to Croatia

08:17 | Another sunny day here in Viganj; first possible warning signal at 1200