Extreme Sport



From 28th to 30th June 2013 all windsurfing and kite boarding enthusiasts are most welcome to Estonia, Tallinn, Pirita beach. Common Regatta will host the best riders of European and Baltic States.

NeilPryde Baltic Cup `i is an internationally recognized Formula windsurfing class racing series that gives points also in the world ranking. This year, there has been one NeilPryde Baltic Cup Series race in Lithuania. After Tallinn Cup the winner will be crowned in Latvia. Remarkable this year we celebrate NeilPryde Baltic Cup 15 years anniversary!

For the second year in a row, NeilPryde Baltic Cup will have under the big windsurfing regatta 3 different windsurfing classes: Formula, NeilPryde RS: X, Techno 293. As a novelty this year, also Kite Race will have its points for the world ranking.

The event will bring together the best riders from Europe and Baltic States. Amongst others (prox 80 participants), we`ll look to see in Tallinn the current leader of Formula windsurfing class, Frenchman Valentin Brault (FRA-823). Hoping to capture local wind, there will be lined up also top 3 riders from NeilPryde Baltic Cup: Janis Preis (LAT-23), Filip Korczycki (POL-555), Martin Ervin (EST-202).

Although Estonians are not in top ten of Formula world ranking, they are eager to collect their needed points. Estonia’s well-known Formula class windsurfer Martin Ervin (20-th position in world ranking) definitely tries to improve his result. “Lithuanian cup wasn`t one of my best runs – the result was influenced both by the new equipment and inadequate training plan. Still looking forward to the next phase in Tallinn – competitors make me once again feel necessary adrenaline producing thirst for victory. In addition, in Lithuania showed good stage races also Estonians John Kaju and Erno Kaasik – we’ll see… Hardly any of us are going to hit waves with the home field advantage” says Martin Ervin about coming races.

Within Formula Windsurfing European Cup and Baltic Cup Series, there will also be ranking for Kite Race (very first time ever!). Current leader Ivan Doronin (RUS-33) outperforms Lithuanian Viktoras Šeputa (LTU-9) on second place and Estonian Ranno Rumm (EST-48) in third place.

The organizers will do their best organizing the high-level event that will enjoyed by riders and audience.

Competitions manuals, press releases, results, pictures, etc., are available on the official website of the competition: http://event.extreme.ee


27 June / 19:00-20:00

28 June / 9:30-10:30

The first race start: 28 June at 12:00.

If you have a desire to come to the race to shoot, shoot, or make a track, please contact:

Kadi Truuleht

European Cup

NeilPryde Baltic Cup

Cabrinha Baltic Cup

E-mail: kadi@extreme.ee

Tel: +372 52 06 600



Respect and great thanks to all sponsors:

Press release_14.07.2013.pdf
