Second day of the IBERIAN CUP 2013/OPEN PORTUGUESE CHAMPIONSHIP 2013. This second day starts better with some clouds but with sun a little hotter than yesterday (not a typical June in the Algarve, normally in that dates we have almost 30 degrees but we think that the crisis is not only financial but also in the weather ! ).

The skippers neeting was at 12h00m, the schedule for today was to try again to do two races back to back, a break and other two races back to back, if the wind is good. The possible first start was scheduled for 13h00m, but in that time the wind wasn´t strong enough, gust´s till 12 knots, but the minimum was 4 knots.

All the racers wait a long time in the beach to see if the wind came, but when the hours pass the weather was worst with lots of clouds and a inconstant wind, sometime we have 10 to 13 knots, during 10m and next go down again to 5 knots. The CR send everyone to the water to try to make two races.

Again the racers wait some time in the water for the wind, and at 16h30 the CR start the first race of the day. In this races the wind was a complete nightmare, from 6 to 12 knots and change of directions of 35º, was like playing in the casino, sometimes you were in the first fleet, and other times you almost in the back of the fleet. Finally the race was finish and again Miguel Martinho won the race.

Next the CR try to make the second race, they make the start and almost of the racers do the upwind mark, but the wind start to go down completly and the CR, cancel the race, and was the last possible start of the day.

Everyone goes to the beach, and the local organizer organize a fantastic BBQ for all the racers.

Tomorrow the skippers meeting will be at 12h00, the forecast is almost the same that this two days, lets see if will be better than the first two day´s.

Vasco Chaveca

Results after three races