B>20:23 | More photos and full results to follow soon. Skippers meeting tomorrow at 11.00; first warning signal at 12.00

17:22 | !st Master is Miguel Martinho (POR5) & 1st Grand Master is Marco Begalli (ITA415)

17:20 | After 9 races the top 10 overall: POR5, FRA823, ITA415, FRA730, FRA1642, LAT11, POR6, POR20, FRA418, POR41

16:12 | The forecast is for strong winds tomorrow – it is likely the long distance race will be postponed

16:11 | no more racing today

15:50 | The leading 3 sailors -POR5, FRA730, FRA823 ..

15:33 | Race 9 is underway, the last race today

15:13 | top 5 in race 8 – FRA823, POR5, FRA730, LAT11, ITA415

14:35 | race 8 about to start

13:26 | oops – get the timing right. Good wind today , from a better direction, enabling a longer course with longer beat and downwind section

16:24 | At the finish its is FRA730, ITA415, POR5 …. there will be a break for lunch after this race – 2 further races this afternoon

13:23 | Follow the race on the live streaming

13:22 | Yoann Fleury, FRA730, is leading this race from Marco Begalli ITA 415

13:13 | Top 5 racers in overall ranking after 6 races – POR5, FRA823, OTA415, FRA1642, FRA730

13:10 | Leading sailors at Mark 1 – FRA|730, LAT11, ITA415, FRA1642

15:53 | The time of first finisher is 20 mins and 3 laps of the course published in the SI\\’s

12:52 | Race 7 will go into sequence at 13.00

12:35 | The first race of today is complete – POR5, ITA415, FRA823, FRA730

09:16 | grey skies but windy here in Terceira, Azores, for the second day of racing in the 2013 European Cup. Skippers meeting is at 11.00