17:44 | European Champion Youth:
European Champion Masters;
No European Champion Women : not enaugh competitors but winner of the Conil Cup;

17:41 | Top 10 of the Conil Cup: FRA 823; ESP 71; ESP 7; EST 24; FRA 55; LTU 799; ESP 13; LTU 798; RUS 54; LAT 13

17:17 | We were totally wrong with the finish ; top 3 for race 10: ESP 71 ; LAT 13; ESP 7
Full result to follow

17:01 | No more races ; the event is over with 10 races. We will post the results asap.

At 19:00 price giving at El Timon de Roche the restaurant wich is one of the sponsors of the event and wich provided the sailors with tasty lunches

16:48 | As far as we can see first is ESP 71 followed by FRA 823: confirmation will follow

16:44 | It is probably the last race for the day and for the event. The last possible warning is at 17:00

16:38 | We dont have radio communication with RC; so its very hard to say who is leading now after 1 lap. We think ESP 71 and FRA 823 as second

16:32 | We think that ESP 71 is leading at mark 1 followed by ESP 7. It is very difficult to see the sailnumbers

16:25 | It looks that we have a clean start for race 10

16:16 | Start for race 10 was given but it seems we have a general recall

16:10 | Even LAT 13 had some problems to go out; he was very careful. He broke already 2 masts this week

16:03 | sailors are going on the water; some have problems to go out with the shorebreak

15:38 | 9 knts on the water AP is down

14:49 | the wind is picking up a little. Is now between 4 and 6 but increasing. We expect to have 8 to 10 in half an hour

13:47 | No improvement in the windconditions.
In the restaurant the clients are gradually coming in to have lunch

13:08 | Still waiting for wind

12:30 | Windspeed is not enough; AP flag is up

12:15 | RC is already on place in front of the restaurant

11:43 | We see the wind coming over the ocean. In a few minutes he will be here. First possible is at 12:30

11:02 | Good morning from Conil. The sun is back but ther many clouds. But ….. no wind. There could be some wind in the afternoon and everybody shall be in place to race than