From 20 to 22 of July, was held the Portuguese Championship in Viana do Castelo, a fantastic place in the North of Portugal, with good wind and good weather. Normally all the windsurfing guys from Portugal, Spain know this place for the good conditions for Slalom and Waves, but also is good for Formula.

In Viana do Castelo is normal the wind pick up to 35 to 40 knots, during the afternoon, but sometimes we could have a good wind of 15 knots in the morning for Formula Racing.

This Championship, count also for the World Ranking, but this time only Portuguese and Spanish come to this great event. In total we had 23 participants, 8 Portuguese and 15 Spanish, in this event come the Portuguese Champion from 2011 Miguel Martinho and the Spanish Champion from 2011, Fernando Martinez del Cerro.

First day – In the morning was the inscriptions confirmations and equipment registrations, everyone was calm and relaxed and waiting for a great event. When the Race Office open at 10h00 in the morning, the wind allready was at 20 knots, and the forecast was saying that the wind will pickup more for the afternoon. When the Race Office closed for Registration, and we had the skippers meeting at 14h00, the wind allready had 30 knots with gusts of 35 knots, the Race Committee (RC) waited a little more but eventually cancelled for the day, because the wind will stay like that for the rest of the day. Everyone that brings equipment for waves and slalom goes to the water. The Race Committee decided that the first possible start for the second day will be at 10h30, all the competitors have to wakeup early!

Second day – Everyone arrive to the race Office at 9h00, because the skippers meeting will be at 9h30m, at that time the wind was at 5 knots. After the skippers meeting the RC goes to the water and all the competitors goes to the water as well. The first start was at 11h00 with winds of 15 knots, and picking up. First race with wind between 15 to 18 knots, second race between 18 to 20 knots and the third race with 25 knots. The 3 races were disputed between Miguel Martinho (POR 5) and Fernando Martinez (ESP 71), except the second race that Vasco Chaveca (POR 5) drive all the second race in first place, giving the race to Miguel in the last 50m from the finish line. In the second day we only made 3 races, because when came to the beach for relax after the 3 races, the wind pickup to 30 to 35 knots. The first Place Miguel Marinho and second Place Fernando Martinez.

Last Day – The possible first start of the day was at 10h30m, but this time the wind came later and the first race was at 11h30. In this day we made 3 races back to back, relax 45m and come again for a 4th race. The wind in the two races was at 10 to 15 knots and the last two 20 knots, fantastic wind and fantastic weather for a good Formula Windsurfing races. In this day, again was a big dispute between Miguel Martinho and Fernando Martinez, Miguel won 2 races and Fernando 1 race, only in the last race of the day, was a surprise Vasco Chaveca won the last race of the event, and last race of the Championship.

Was a excellent Championship and the organizers had a fantastic feedback from all the competitors, they will try to put this Championship in Viana do Castelo, from this year to the next years, and classic event for Formula Windsurfing, maybe we could do a big International Formula event in Viana do Castelo. This event was a prove that Portugal have excellent places for Formula Racing, places like, Portimão, Lagos and Viana do Castelo, maybe we could organize more international events in Portugal.

Many thanks to everyone, the organizers and the competitors, see you next year, because the Formula events in Portugal finish this year. The 3 first places in the Portuguese ranking for 2012 finish like this: 1º Place Miguel Martinho (POR 5); 2º Place Vasco Chaveca (POR 6); 3º Place Bruno Bertholo (POR 78).

Final results.

See you on the water.
