Alberto Menegatti wins again confirming his leadership in the Italian Formula Windsurfing Championschip 2011 which was held in Gallipoli, south of italy.

Alberto confirms himself as the best italian windsurfer, both in italy and abroad. In fact he also won the Italian Slalom Championship 2011 in Torbole, Lake of garda.

In Gallipoli he won 3 heats on the 4 wich were held, and he could have won them all if, in the first heat, his boom would have not broken when he was ahead.

The second place was for Andrea Beverino, from Rome, and the third place was for Malte Reuscher, from Elba Island.

The Master Categorie winner was Marco Begalli, from Rome, and the winner in the youth categorie was Riccardo Errico.

You can consult the complete results on the web site

The wind conditions were not excellent, so it has been possible to race only in the second and in the third day, and the wind was always below 9 knots.

This has been a serious problem for the heavier racers, creating difficult conditions for athletes who physically spent much of their energies Saturday in the three heats, even for the unusually warm, encouraging athletes definitely lighter in weight.

We thank the main sponsors Franklin and Marshall and Selin s.r.l. for the environment for the success of the event.


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