17:53 | We also had three races for very young – the pro kids – leader of the day – Mads Jepsen (DEN)

17:50 | At 18.00 we have the winners of the day awards – yellow jerseys and prizes from Neil Pryde.

First youth – Matias Isaac(BRA) ; first Junior – Leonardo Venturini (BRA); first Master – Brian Rogild (DEN); first Grand Master – Carlos Isaac (BRA)

17:41 | Skippers meeting tomorrow at 9.00 am – first possible start at 10.00 am.

17:40 | Top 10 masters AFTER 8 races including 2 discards – DEN173, ITA1, NED34, NED538, AUT30, SWE92, LAT13, NOR12, DEN2, POL3333

17:23 | Top10 masters in race 8 – DEN173, ITA1, AUT30, NED538, LAT13, SWE92, NED34, FIN101, ITA6, NOR12

16:55 | Top 10 racers in Masters race 7 – ITA1, DEN173, NED538, NED34, NOR12, AUT30, DEN2, FIN101, SWE92, BRA768

17:34 | Top10 youths after 7 races – DEN24, BRA767, DEN26, POL73, NED69, NED194, FRA873, POL211, NED228, SUI63

17:37 | but at the finish DEN173 holds off the challenge of ITA 1 and AUT30

17:35 | Close race at the front of this fleet

17:30 | AT MARK 1 – den173, ita1, aut30, ned538

16:25 | The wind is around 16 knots

16:17 | The wind is now 10>14knots at the windward mark

16:16 | There was a general recall on race 8 – now they are starting again under a black flag.

16:03 | sorry no info at the moment – but ther final race for masters will start soon

15:43 | correction – leading sailor was NED538

15:37 | At mark 1 for first time – NED34, DEN173, ITA1

15:31 | Race 7 for masters has started

15:03 | at the finish – BRA767 , NED228, NED194 , DEN26

14:59 | The leading youth on second lap are – BRA767, NED228, NED194, LTU799, DEN26, DEN24

14:56 | The first pro kid is heasding for the finish – DEN15 – followed by EST228 and NOR420

14:55 | The masters will be going out for a further 2 races

14:50 | At mark 1 – BRA767, NED228, NED69, DEN26

14:45 | Clear start for race 7

15:37 |

14:37 | There was an error in the starting procedure – they start again

14:32 | Another start for youth coming soon

14:15 | the next finishers are – NED 228, NED194

15:13 | BRA767 is going to win race 6 of youth fleet

14:10 | Pro kids are finishing race 2 – DEN 15, NOR 420

14:05 | wind is now 12knots

14:04 | At mark 1 for first time – BRA767,

13:58 | Clear start for race 6 of youth

13:52 | 6 mins to start – we can now expect a black flag start

13:51 | The top 10 finishers in race 5 masters – DEN173, AUT30, NED34, SWE92, BRA768, FIN101, LAT13, DEN500, ITA1, NOR12

13:50 | General recall

14:46 | wrong announvement – now is 4 mins to the start

13:40 | 5 mins to the start of race 6 for youth

13:26 | The wind is 15 /16 knots in the course area

13:25 | Masters will now come ashore for a break – the youths have been sent out for their races 6 & 7

13:23 | DEN173 is first finisher – followed by ITA 1

13:12 | At mark 1 for the second time – DEN173, ITA1, AUT30

13:08 | 16 knots at the starting area

13:04 | At the first windward mark – AUT30, NOR12, ITA1..

13:00 | Race 6 for masters is underway

12:47 | the last finishers are coming in – race 6 for masters will go into sequence soon

12:46 | The wind is now 10>12 knots at the windward mark

12:45 | I think that was the finsh order of top 3

13:35 | the leading sailors – DEN173, AUT30, NED34

12:25 | Wind is 14>16 knots – DEN2 is OCS

12:20 | clear start

12:17 | We are in sequence for start of race 5 for masters – the wind is around 15 knots

12:17 | We are in sequence for start of race 5 for masters – the wind is around 15 knots

12:09 | The top 10 youths in race 5 – NED69, BRA767, NED194, DEN24, POL211, LTU799, EST36, POL73, DEN33, DEN26,

12:08 | The masters are on the water – the wind is 14>18 knots

11:12 | Youths have been sent ashore – and AP on the beach . We must wait for conditions to improve

11:00 | The wind dropped in the starting area just before the start of race 6 for youth – the AP is flying

10:33 | Wind is 10>12 knots over the course area

10:29 | First finishers in youth are – NED69, BRA767, NED94, DEN24, LTU799

10:22 | First finishers in pro kids – EST228, DEN15

10:19 | The pro kids – under 15 sailors – started with youth – but do a short -1 lap – course. The leading ones are coming to the finish.

11:19 |

10:18 | leading sailors are – NED69, BRA767, POL73

10:10 | Race 5 for youth has started – clear start. The wind is 10>14 knots – less at te mark 1, more at the start

10:00 | The wind is shifting and the course needs adjusting

09:35 | Only one small change to the course diagram for today – the offset mark – mark 2 – is a smaller round buoy.

09:28 | Today we start with the youth – 2 races back to back scheduled – first warning signal at 10.00.

The wind is 10>13 knots over the course area

09:27 | We have just had a skippers meeting – a lot of aching limbs after a tough day on the water yesterday. The forecast is for lighter winds today but still the possibility of 4 races.