Friday, 26. August will start NeilPryde Baltic Cup 2011 in Tallinn, Pirita Beach. It`s the most important season final in the Baltics. This is a traditional windsurfing race series, the earlier stages have been held in Lithuania and Latvia. However, the crucial final step, will be driven already for to the thirteenth consecutive year, the Pirita Bay of Tallinn. Exciting races are waiting for us in the Friday, Saturday and Sunday, when the ceremony will end the contest. NeilPryde Baltic Cup 2011 Formula Windsurfing Baltic master class given the titles of men and women.

NeilPryde Baltic Cup finals will take the stage Baltic’s best windsurfers, but this year, offering them an additional competitive tension with world-class windsurfing shots. Latvia just finished the European championships in Liepaja, so Estonia attracts those really big players such as Filip Korczycky (POL-555, NeilPryde / Starboard), Poland, Wilhelm Schurmann (BRA-999, NeilPryde / Starboard) and Paulo dos Reis (BRA-3333, North / PD), Brazil also to Tallinn. With the best physical and tactical plan towards competitors attacks Estonia`s top windsurfer Martin Ervin (EST-202, NeilPryde / Starboard).

Many participants are already acquainted with the realities of today Pirita Marine, doing training rides. Weather forecast just do not offer the best conditions for training sessions. Annika Valkna (NeilPryde Cup women’s current number one record), comments: “As the weather is relatively calm (Southwest wind 2.5 m / sec), we can only make mental exercise. Although, who knows. ”

NeilPryde Baltic Cup final stage after a two-match, Martin Ervin is the first, second Filip Korczycki, and third Janis Preiss (LAT-23, Gaastra). Women’s calculation: first place for Annika Valkna (EST-146; Gaastra), second position Martha Ozola (LAT-140), and the third inlet of Helle Väin (EST-73).

The question what physical shape our top windsurfer Martin Ervin has, with what feelings, training and start emotions he feels before heating the first day tomorrow, Martin Ervin says: “As the summer has been plenty of great races, I feel a little tired. Today does not provide more training at sea, rather than a small jog here in the Pirita. The competition itself promises to be interesting – a land wind variability on home-seas not give an advantage over competitors. Complex and changeable weather conditions force to be tight, even the slightest error could be paid for race place. I`m planning to have good start, very good racing experience avoids stress, I feel the excitement”.

You all are most welcome to monitor exciting races through weekend!

Competitions manuals, press releases, results, pictures, etc., available in:

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First race start: 26 August at 13:00.

Competition sponsors: Extreme Sports, Oxbow, Rannarootsi, Saku, Liviko, Tähtreklaam

Photo: Kadi Truuleht

Press contact:

Kadi Truuleht

NeilPryde Baltic Cup


Ph: +372 52 06600