18:53 | I leave you with this one quote about Liepaja – “What attracts tourists the most is probably the whitest and softest sandy beach…”

18:52 | Full results will be available soon – check out the event website for photo gallery

18:51 | One more race tomorrow and then we split the mens fleet into Gold and Silver

18:49 | No protests – good sign of efficient race committee under PRO Bruno de Wannemaeker

13:33 | In the end we had some great racing today – despite the ominous start . It was a typical afternoon – sun and wind !

18:32 | UKR9 was first finisher in womens race 3

18:30 | First finishers in race 3 for blue group – ISR1, POL25, NED52, AUS0, FRA105,

17:55 | Women have stsrted race 3 and blue group men will start son

12:15 | Yellow group race 3 – top finishers were : POL013 (Pont), POL10, ARG3, and NED13

17:16 | sorry – change that – POL19 is second in womens fleet ; race 2 was won by UKR9

17:15 | first 5 finishers in race 2 – blue group – NED52, ISR1, POL19, POL25, POL11 –

15:09 | Yellow fleet are in sequence for race 3- we will complete three races for all today. Tonight there is an opening ceremony on the quayside.

16.21 | Women are starting race 2 – first finishers in race 1 for women – POL19, LAT140, POL213

16:20 | top 5 finishers in race 2 for yellow group – POL10, ARG3, NED13, POL16, POL013

15:30 | Top 10 in blue race 1 – AUS0, POL25, ISR1, NED52, POL11, POL19, EST202, FRA531, FRA105, FRA732

15:20 | Yellow fleet are going out for race 2

15:04 | good wind now – sun shining – top3 in race 1 for blue -AUS0,POL25,ISR1

15:00 | apologies for the lack of info – we are working to fix that ..

14:55 | blue fleet are racing

14:36 | blue group and women are back on the water ready for race 1

12:55 | Top 5 finishers in race 1 for yelloe group – POL013, POL10, NED13, ARG3, POL16 ..

13:42 | The wind has dropped and the Race Officer has decided to send the racers back to the beach.

the AP flag will go up on the beach .

13:40 | the groups will alternate race and rest

13:39 | Race 1 for yellow fleet is finishing and the blue fleet men and women are called to the starting area

12:55 | 5 mins to start of the first race of these championships

12:25 | the conditions are improving – AP will come down at 12.30. At 12.40 class flag for Yellow fleet will go up – indicating a minimum of 20 minutes to their first warning signal.

11:31 | This will be the first championship using the new Group Racing system approved at the 2009 AGM in Santa Pola. 4 races in qualification – see the full details published on the ONB or on this FW event page

11:30 | We have 98 competitors from 18 countries; 90 men and 8 women . women will race separately from men . The men will race in two groups.

11:25 | Good morning from Liepaja. We have had the skippers meeting and are now on postponement. The wind is only 4>6 knots , onshore, but forecast to improve during the day.