The forecast changed during the night, the wind moved out to sea and a light offshore breeze was all that was left.

30 Kona and Bic Techno sailors had joined us for a national event, they went out and did 3 races. The Formula sailors had to wait for the wind at the beach.

At 3 a clock the AP went down and we went out to the racing area, with an offshore breeze 10-12 knots. As soon as we came out to the starting area the wind died, like someone just turned of the fan.

It is a long way back to the beach without wind, sailors where sailing in all direction at the same time, and at the same time we could hear thethunder, and dark cloud building over the beach.

It took us almost 2 hours to get to the beach, 75 sailors spread all over the bay when the thunder came with hard gusts and flashes hitting close, not fun at all, most sailor made it to the launching site but some had a long 5 km walk as they opted for the closes way to the beach to avoid the bad weather.

So no Formula races today.

After the thunderstorm we had nice sunny skies again and ended the day with a nice barbecue with all competitors.


Daniel Nerhagen