ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the International Formula Windsurfing Class

to be held on Thursday 7th July 2011, after racing

Venue: TBC (posted on the ONB), San Juan, Puerto Rico.

AGENDA and proposals.


Registration of delegates and votes.

Minutes of the Last Meeting and any matters arising.

Chairman’s Report.

Financial Statement.

a) 2009 Accounts

b) Summary of 2010 and 2011 activity to 30th June.

5) Class Rule changes. (see Appendix A)

a) Proposal to change from 3 fins to 2 fins

b) Proposal to change from 3 sails to 2 sails

See minutes of 2008 AGM when these proposals were last voted on

c) Sails need to be solid colours, except for a clear window at eye level

6) Marketing.

We propose that the Formula Class develop a comprehensive plan to ensure continued growth and development for the benefit of both the sailors as well as the manufacturers. The most important vehicle to growth is promotion. Currently, general marketing and promotion of the class is lacking due to limited resources (see Appendix B)

7) Open “development” Class (or division)

In addition to the restricted production Formula class, there should be an Open development class. This class will have little restriction on boards and fins, perhaps a limited number of rigs/sails as in the current class. Manufacturers should have no problem with this as they will benefit from the R and D for the next production cycle. Greater development of technology at the expense of companies and individuals will only push the class farther, faster. This will also allow local builders to have a chance of competing in top level events and getting their ideas out into the light of day.

8) Future Events.

Receive an update on championship venues and the Grand Prix Tour.

9) Elections.

The current committee are standing down and following offer themselves for re-election:

Ceri Williams, Andrea Cucchi, Marc Cardon, Sean O’Brien, Steve Bodner, Arnon Dagan.

The following new nominations have been received – Guido Verlaecht (BEL)


Delegates are appointed by member national associations, and have one vote (as do committee members); but may represent other member associations from whom he or she has received a proxy vote mandate (max of two proxy’s per delegate)

NOTE – Only member national association (by delegate or by email) and committee members may vote.

Delegate Registration Form

Proxy Voting Mandate Form

Email Voting Paper


Class Rules.

Reduce number of fins registered at an event to 2 (BRA)

Reasons: most competitors only use 1 or sometimes 2 fins (a smaller second fin) and to reduce cost of participation by further limiting the amount of equipment needed.

Reduce the number of sails registered at an event to 2. (AUS)

Reasons: “The sail manufacturers need to be challenged to produce 2 sails that cover the wind range. It is totally achievable and with air travel so difficult now, FW has to start to make some hard decisions about the logistics of the sport.

If we want to continue with international events that require air travel, then equipment reduction is required. The reduction of equipment also sends a really positive selling point for FW as it demonstrates the advances in equipment and reduction in entry cost.

The other positive spin for the manufacturers is that they will sell more sails as most sailors will use 2 sails and sell them regularly to the next generation of FW racers who are looking to up-grade. The days of a 3rd sail only being used occasionally, yet becoming outdated will be over. People will upgrade gear once they have got use and value out of it”.

Sails need to be solid colours, except for a clear window at eye level. (AUS)

Reasons: “It is time that FW took the initiative to promote itself better, and having clear monofilm sails that can’t be seen when on the water is crazy! I can’t think of one other sport in the world that goes out of its way to be invisible to both the public and sponsors. North and Point 7 have already cottoned on to the obvious, the other brands have to incentivized to help us promote the sport by providing visibility.”

Marketing Proposal. (USA)

We propose that the Formula Class develop a comprehensive plan to ensure continued growth and development for the benefit of both the sailors as well as the manufacturers. The most important vehicle to growth is promotion. Currently, general marketing and promotion of the class is lacking due to limited resources.

Our belief is that each sailor worldwide who is participating in the ranking needs to pay their fair share by submitting a $100 per year fee to the class. This is a drop in the bucket compared to the equipment and travel expenses each sailor pays, and should be no problem. In addition, each manufacturer who wishes to have their boards, sails, rigs, soft goods eligible for use in national and international events should pay a $1000 per year fee to the class.

All these fees should be pooled to be used for the hiring of at least 3 people to travel to the Grand Prix level events, who will promote the event through live video broadcasting and daily video production as well as scoring the event for publication on the Class website. Local promoters will be responsible for providing boats and beach support which will be at their expense, not the classes’. Video can come from multiple portable camera units such as the Go Pro which can be worn by a number of sailors, in addition to a camera operated for the live video feeds.

AGM minutes.2009.doc
