19:49 | Full results will be posted soon and a photo gallery. First possible start is 14.30 tomorrow – the best wind is mid to late afternoon! So plenty of time to recover from todays races !

19:48 | Leading Master is Vasco Chaveca (POR6) who is the organiser of this champ[ionship and is chairman of the FW Class in Portugal

19:46 | Leading the Youth fleet is Jacek Piaseck (POL013) who also won the last race overall

16:45 | Miguel Martinho , local sailor racing from his home club , took 2 firest and 1 second overall, and leads those rankings

19:44 | There is a senior fleet as well as youth and masters – with one start. We will publish an overall ranking as well as championship results for youth and masters.

16:44 |

19:42 | a marvellous tool the internet – when it worlks ! I will try to find a solution for tomorrow. Meantime – we had four races – with good winds from 15.00 hrs local time

15:14 | the first start was postponed – as the wind shifted .But it is good and steady now – first race will start soon

09:51 | Good Morning from Portimao. Todays schedule has changed – skippers meeting is at 13.00 first possible warning signal at 14.00