This weekend the 2nd edition of the “Kashy Fins Windsurfing Festival” kicked off at York Point, Seaford, Virginia. Windsurfers from the local areas gathered, but also sailors from Miami and New York flew in to join the Kashy Festival 2011. Jesper Vesterstrøm was there to report:

“Hi all,

Hosting the event was Dave Kashy and his amazing wife Melissa making sure all sailors was well catered for and not leaving anyone starving. The location was amazing, right on the beach with room for everyone to sleep over and spread their gear all over the grass. In the morning some of the sailors were in charge of making breakfast for everyone and it just made the whole event a lot more social.

We had wind both days and the sun was shinning from a clear sky most of the day, so it really couldn’t be much better than what it was. The event had aIl levels – from the Novice windsurfer having fun to the experienced Long board and Formula sailors battling it out on the racecourse. I was in the “Overweight” class (above 90kg) .I managed to take 5 bullets on the 1st. day, though had to see myself set with a DSQ for the first race for doing the wrong course ☹. A lot followed but there was a smart junior, Ludo, from Miami who actually was paying attention at the skippers meeting. Normally Race director, Darren Rogers, is pretty loud – however we still didn’t hear it. I was closely followed by Dave Kashy and Chris from Belgium. 2nd day all we needed were 2 more races as there was a max of 7 races for the whole regatta. The wind changed a lot during the race and one really had to pay attention to the big wind shifts on the course. 1st race was almost a reach to the windward mark making the race pretty short. But still not many figured it out. 2nd race the wind got even lighter. Chris from Belgium took the lead as I tacked of to windward to early and got knocked…I caught up and suddenly Dave Kashy came on a “flyer” taking the lead and must say the man is pretty quick downwind and I just got him at the last mark to take the win in the last race.

I think everyone had a great weekend and all pretty tired after a lot of intense racing.

Big thanks to Melissa and Dave Kashy for hosting such a great event and for thanks to Darren Rogers for being such an awesome race director…

Next week – Baltimore Racing.


DEN111- Jesper Vesterstrøm”

source: www.