The Annual General Meeting of the International Formula Windsurfing Class will take place during the World Championships hosted in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

The meeting is scheduled for the evening of Thursday 7th July. The official Notice of AGM will be published on or before 8th June ; with a detailed Agenda to follow on 20th June.

Any proposals to be voted on by the membership will be published with the Agenda, and member national class associations (NCA’s)will be able to vote by nominating a delegate to attend the meeting or by submitting an email vote. Proposals usually fall into one of 3 main categories, proposing changes to – Class ( or equipment ) Rules; Championship Rules and venues; Constitution.

This year is also an election year – the committee and chairman stand down, but may offer themselves for re-election. NCA’s may wish to nominate new members to the committee. The deadline for submitting proposals and forwarding nominations will be published with the official Notice.

Meantime you may wish to discus your ideas and the committee will be interested to hear from you; contact –

Due to the unfortunate cancellation of the European Championships no AGM was held in 2010; the minutes of the last AGM (2009), along with other relevant information and class policy documents , can be found on the class website Official Notice Board (ONB).