Taking into consideration the difficult global financial situation, 2010 was not such a bad year, with a great world championship in Argentina followed by a year full of good regional and national events on the ranking calendar. The one big disappointment was being unable to sanction a European Championship.

However, the future is looking very bright; already the 2011 world ranking calendar has more events scheduled than in 2010 – with many more in the pipeline and soon to be added. My ambition is to reach a target of 40 ranking events – not unreasonable if each member nation offers one national “open” event for the ranking. A great opportunity to raise the profile both of formula in that country , and of the sport in general.

This years worlds will, for the first time in the history of the class, travel to North America; hosted in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Four continental championships are confirmed , including a Europeans in Liepaja, Latvia.

Three Grand Prix internationals are already confirmed , with the possibility of 2 or 3 more to follow.

To maximise promotion of the class events the website will undergo a “face lift” and an upgraded, new look, fw.org should be on line early in the year.

Have a great year of formula racing wherever you are ; make sure you tell someone about it , especially your national associations , your industry contacts and your national and local media!

Ceri Williams , Chairman